Just saw something online which linked high blood sugar with Glaucoma. Googled it and loads of articles appeared. Why has no one ever mentioned this ? We all know there is far too much sugar in our western diets. Carbohydrates like white bread, pasta and rice. Eaten far too much chocolate this Christmas. That’s it New Year’s resolution to quit sugar inducing foods.
Sugar and Glaucoma: Just saw something online... - Glaucoma UK
Sugar and Glaucoma

I needed trabs to get my eye pressures down but this was before I discovered low carbohydrate diets. When I switched to a clean low carbohydrate diet (no processed foods, no grains, no potatoes, no added sugars, no seed oils), I saw further reductions in my eye pressures of around 25%.
Wow! My eye pressures were up at last appointment. I thought it was stress related but my sugar consumption had gone up as a result. So it’s worth a try and there really should be more advice about this. Thanks
When you say low carb do you mean almost no carbs or just less than normal? How many grams were you aiming for per day?
I originally aimed to keep my carbohydrate intake below 50g per day. I was often much lower than that to the point where I didn't feel the need to track it.
No have not seen articles relating to that. There are a lot of foods with low sugar content which you can buy but also there is a lot of hidden sugars in food as well that people are unaware of. Your right we should eat less sugary things anyway, I have cut down on my sugar intake and I am not great carbohydrates eater either, I don't like pasta, or rice and cut down on bread. I can go without chocolate for weeks, months. My problem is I would not know if my pressures were up because mine is silent and other people are probably are the same as well. It is known as the silent disease anyway.
Really! I believe the link between glaucoma and (sugar), Diabetes has been at the forefront of any glaucoma discussion for decades. I'm everywhere!
It's everywhere, sorry.
Hello VerdiG,
A highly processed diet often contains high sugar which may cause type 2 diabetes . Diabetics have twice the risk of glaucoma and glaucoma patients have a higher risk of diabetes.
'Pure White and Deadly' by John Yudkin is a book published in the 70's and still available.
The UK government funds the british sugar industry by hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Diabetes sadly is also linked to a higher risk of retinal degeneration and many other health problems.
The good news is that many type 2 diabetics can reduce their blood sugar to normal levels through eating a Mediterranean diet.
As you say, an excellent New Year Resolution.
Thank you for posting this. Sadly for whatever reason we are not given enough information ( in my experience) either on diagnosis ( none! I was told never mind you will have lovely long eyelashes) and I have learned more about management of the condition online and on this site. So thank you . I realise sugar is generally very bad and had reduced my intake already but this confirms my fears that the manufactured variety is best avoided I am in UK .