I have just been diagnosed and wanted to know about Ganfort eye drops. read some nasty side effects so was little concerned
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New Glaucoma diagnosis

hi, I had ganfort after trying monopost which did not help my pressures and already had SLT.
Ganfort were fine on side effects although eye lashes grew very long, but again did not reduce my eye pressures. 19 and 20
Now I’m on Codimaz which are horrendously stingy twice a day! I’ve just read that these are a beater blocker which I would have liked to have known about.
No idea if it’s related but my blood pressure has dropped, which used to be borderline high. 135/85 to an average of 110/65?
Not sure if this is going to work? And going back for a check in a month.
Anyone have experience with codimaz?
Hi,I was on them when first diagnosed ,my eyes reacted, even on preservative free, So I can off them after a few months,
They were very effective, though,in reducing my eye pressures.
There are possible side effects with all these drops, some people are ok on a particular drop, come are not.
My consultant does not like them because of the effect they can have on the eye.
it's a case of trying different drops to see what suit your eyes best.
Good luck.
I started my glaucoma journey with latanapost for about 15 years. Then I was on Ganfort for 3 or 4 years. My pressures didn't drop enough. Side effects: long eyelashes, but other drops cause this as well. Also noticeably dark skin around my eyes. Cosopt was added but I developed sore blisters with them, had to discontinue.
It is a balance between effectiveness and tolerance. Clinicians try to keep pressures much lower than they did when I started with glaucoma 25 years ago. They used to think that 22/24 was fine. And opticians didn't refer you to hospital unless pressures were consistently over 24. When I was first referred with pressures of 24 they didn't treat with drops, just referred back to optician!
I knew somebody who had private treatment under insurance plan and they thought those pressures were OK as well.
I have been on Ganfort since February and only side effects are longer eye lashes and some darkening (not too much) around the eyes. Pressures have down to 14 which consultant happy with so Ganfort seems to work for me.
Hi Tommy, I have been using Ganfort for normal tension glaucoma for nearly 10 years. This is after every trying other type of drop combination, and keeps my pressure around 14-15. Main side effects are long eye lashes as others have mentioned, and dark circles under the eyes. The other undesirable effect not often discussed is the development of sunken eyes. This is due to loss of fat around the eyes and mentioned to me when I briefly saw a private consultant but never mentioned by NHS consultant. I can’t tell if there have been any other side effects because without baseline measurements, it is difficult to know whether some things are just due to getting older. For me the side effects are acceptable considering the convenience of a once a day drop and the avoidance of surgery . Hope this helps.
Ps Technical Article about periorbital fat loss
Hello RogerM, it is interesting that you mention sunken eyes as a side effect. I only learned about a year ago from a different consultant that 'many years of using prostaglandin eye drops' has resulted in my very obvious sunken eyes. On looking at the long list of possible side effects, this one is listed. It has happened gradually over many years (20+).You are the first person to mention this. Before that consultant mentioned it (nhs) I had thought that it was my age/genetics, although nobody else in my family has had this happen to their eyes. I am the only one of 6 siblings to develop glaucoma, I inherited it from my dad who lost sight because of it. He wasn't short sighted like me so hadn't been for regular eye tests, which was how mine was picked up.
I ceased eye drops about 3 years ago due to having operations in both eyes as eye drops weren't reducing pressures enough. My long lashes fell out but the sunken eyes haven't improved.
Still, as you say, I would rather have sunken eyes than lose my sight.
I’ve been on Ganfort, preservative free, for about 2yrs. & consultant very happy with consistent pressures of around 15 in both eyes.
Only side effects I have are same as others, with slight eyelash growth & darkened skin around eyes.
As others have said, there will be side effects with any drops so it’s just finding one you can tolerate, which keeps your pressures at a constant & acceptable pressures for you.
I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Any progression will now hopefully be avoided with drops and monitoring by your consultant.,
This is a great forum for any support you need as your glaucoma journey begins.
Hi been using Ganfort for years with no nasty side effects also using Brinzolomide and Brimonodine twice a day. I was using my Ganfort at night, but after an GTT operation in June this year I was asked to start using it in the morning instead it is still working well with no side effects, everyone reacts differently to drops that they use, you just have to give them a go and if you get side effects report them to your Opthalmologist. Best wishes hope it works well for you too.