Does anyone think that glaucoma drops actually cause harm? I have developed cataracts and dry eyes and my eye pressure hasn't changed that much either.
Eye drops query.: Does anyone think that... - Glaucoma UK
Eye drops query.
I think that the cataracts are probably coincidental, I have them at early stage too, but I don’t think it’s due to the drops, given that I only use them in one eye I think it’s just an age thing. I do think that dry eyes are not helped by drops, but again I have dry eyes in both eyes but only use drops for Glaucoma in one eye. I use Theoloz Duo drops for the dry eyes and find they work well.
Hi. I wouldn't say they cause harm. The cataracts are likely a coincidence - we are not aware of any glaucoma drops that can cause cataracts. However, glaucoma drops can cause dry eye. Sometimes the preservative in the drops can make dry eye worse, so you can try preservative free drops instead. I would recommend getting some dry eye drops which you can get over the counter to help with the symptoms caused by your glaucoma drops.