I have moderate to advanced NT glaucoma and have heard that gardening to be stopped as the head is downward. Has anybody else had this advice, it does sound obvious as it only takes 2 mins for eye pressure to be raised.
Also is vacuuming ok?
I have moderate to advanced NT glaucoma and have heard that gardening to be stopped as the head is downward. Has anybody else had this advice, it does sound obvious as it only takes 2 mins for eye pressure to be raised.
Also is vacuuming ok?
There seems to be general agreement , including from my consultant, that any activity that puts your head below your heart should be avoided because of the quick rise in eye pressure. The usual example given is the 'downward dog' pose in yoga. I have fairly advanced normal tension which seemed to be progressing quite quickly, so I've tried to avoid activities that involve having my face facing directly downwards, eg some Pilates exercises, back massage . I do wonder whether a newfound interest in gardening contributed to my glaucoma.
However, it's hard to find unambiguous advice on where to draw the line .
Thanks Iona,
Interesting , that’s what I thought , NO head below heart, therefore vacuuming , reading book etc is fine as your head isn’t below heart.
I’m sleeping on a double thick pillow on my back , to keep head raised, not so comfortable but that’s what we need to do.
Have you had any ops?
I had Preserflo in left eye and istent in right eye however mine have progressed quickly
Look forward to your reply
Hi Moana64,I had cataract and hydrus shunt in my right eye Dec 22. Still had drops. Deterioration seemed to be happening beginning of '24. Had trabeculectomy in June '24. My consultant said that there was less need to worry now about doing activities which may raise pressure, as my pressure is now very low ( was 4 in September) and the trab will control pressure better. However, I still have to consider my left eye which also has glaucoma, managed with bimatoprost.
I've managed to find a reasonably comfortable sleeping position, with a wedge pillow, two ordinary pillows on top, and an ordinary pillow either side to discourage rolling over!
I have not had that advice and I still garden with head down, I bend at the knee not at the waist, I was told to do what I feel comfortable with. I do have other health problems which means I cannot do much gardening now I only do it when I am not into much pain with my foot, so I have to rest between gardening. I have a large garden and I also have a gardener who does the lawns and hedges for me. There said I have heard that before, but I have not heard it from any consultants I have seen, I recently have an GTT and did not heard it afterwards by that consultant either. Mine is also silent so I have no idea when it goes up or down. Happy gardening
good morning Moanna this is really interesting. I am a very keen gardener and have never heard that I should stop. Has anyone else been given this advice?
As far as I am aware your head only has to be higher than your heart and also no heavy lifting I still garden and hoover etc it has not made my glaucoma any worse!Speak to your consultant the next time you have an appointment to confirm.
Two lifestyle issues referred to here. As I understand it, the advice re posture is to avoid prolonged bending with head below heart. So an hour on your knees weeding shouldn't be damaging (there is no evidence of glaucoma being more prevalent amongst gardeners!). Probably best not to sleep, or read for long periods, on your tummy.
Some people experience raised IOP during the night, but you need to spend a few days and nights monitoring with an iCare Home device to know if this includes you. If you want to play safe, the latest advice is to sleep with on a 30 degree incline,from the lower back upwards but without more than a shallow pillow. But on just how many people associated research has been conducted, and how valid this is is unclear. We really need to know a huge amount more about IOP variation related to lifestyle, throughout the whole population irrespective of glaucoma being present. Meanwhile, no excuse to avoid vacuuming.
Hello Moana64. Anything where your head below your heart is best avoided. I would still continue gardening as it's good for your wellbeing, but just avoid this from happening as best as you can - perhaps kneel or crouch down rather than bending down. If your head is below your heart for a very short period (a couple of seconds), then this will be okay, but don't do it for prolonged periods. Vacuuming is ok to continue doing. Hope this helps.
I asked specific questions at a consultants appointment last week, about gardening, yoga and Pilates. He said as long as I wasn’t doing headstands it’s fine to carry on with all activities. As a precaution I now sit/kneel on a foam mat when I’m weeding so that I’m leaning forward rather than down
hi,your consultant is the best person to ask about day to day activities.
In my opinion though,from the information I have got,it is best to avoid ,where possible , laying face down or bending over too much.
both of these will probably raise eye pressures, but then many other things do too, all to different extents and also depending on the individual.
you have to have a life in terms of activities, while at the same time trying to be aware and sensible.
All the best.