I have recently been diagnosed with glacouma in both eyes & on drops . I have been referred to have a laser iridotomy I am terrified to have this & also side effects anyone else had this ?
laser iridotomy : I have recently been diagnosed... - Glaucoma UK
laser iridotomy

Laser iridotomy is a simple procedure and a common one. Complications are very rare. There are a number of forum members who have undergone this type of laser. I am sure you will get a response soon.
If you would like to speak to someone who has had the procedure done, please call our helpline on 01233 748170 and we will be able to put you in contact with them. Our offices are open Mon-Fri 9.30am to 5pm
Thank you. I also have to do the DVLA VF test for driving should I take that before or after this procedure ?
I had iridotomy about 2 years ago ,it took about 10 minutes and was completely painless.
Did you have any side effects?
Slight blurred vision for a couple of hours that's all
Thank you .
Do you still have drops?
I don't have glaucoma, I had iridotomy to lower my eye pressure which could of turned to glaucoma in the future, it did lower pressure a little but not much,so I have now had cataract surgery which I'm hoping will reduce pressure more,i am still on drops at the moment.
If you haven't received a date for the laser, but you have been asked to do the VFT by the DVLA and to make an appointment, then I would make the appointment at Specsavers. If you have a date for the iridotomy and it coincides with the DVLA test, then contact them and tell them that you would like to arrange the VFT for a later date and give the reasons.
I was also very nervous when I had this two years ago but it really was the most easy procedure. All you have to do is sit still with your chin on the chin rest like in the opticians. You absolutely cannot feel anything. I am due to have laser again (to laser a cloudy cataract) and this time I am not at all bothered.
An easy procedure, quite painless, you just stare at a red dot with your chin in a chin rest. An artificial lens was put on my eye but only very slight discomfort. I have had it done a number times over many years and it really is nothing to worry about. It has really helped my pressures.
I too have had the treatment in both eyes. Completely painless and had no complications. It reduced my pressures from over 30 to 20 plus. I still need eye drops daily to reduce the pressures further.Hope this helps.
I had this procedure done several years ago. The only issue I had was elevated pressure in one eye that was corrected by additional drops for a couple of days, then no issues at all and results continue to be in place and effective (I call it my fail safe :). The procedure was painless.
Thank you for reply.
Relax and don't be nervous about this!..My opinion is should ask your Glaucoma specialist for an explanation as to why Laser Iridotomy is recommended!... Maybe Narrow angles,or Shallow Angle chamber!...It is done as a precaution ."Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI) is a treatment used to prevent or treat narrow angle glaucoma. It uses a laser beam to create a small hole in the iris, which allows drainage of intraocular fluid."
I have had this done many years ago, still need Eye drops to control the IOP.As the other lovely patients say here,do not worry at all about this,absolutely nothing to worry about! Just put on some nice music listen to your music on your headphones!🎧 Good morning from Thailand!💝... Let us know how you get on!