Hello, I am new here and wonder if anyone else has experience of having this surgery? After many years of using various eye drops and also an unsuccessful SLT on my right eye, my consultant advised me to have this surgery in an attempt to lower my IOP thus preventing even further loss of vision. He chose the Paul Tube over the Baerveldt Tube because it should offer better early pressure control following the surgery. I had my operation on Sunday 28 April, so it is still very early days, but at my check-up yesterday he seemed pleased with the results. I am on a strict regime of drops in the operated eye - antibiotics four times a day, Prednisolone every two hours plus Cosopt twice a day - oh, any some Thealoz drops for my dry eyes if needed! All this is certainly keeping me busy and I have had to set alarms on my phone so I do not miss any doses! I am still using my original glaucoma drops in the left, unoperated eye. I look forward to hearing from anyone who would like to share their experiences relating to glaucoma surgery. Thank you.
Paul Tube implant for Glaucoma : Hello, I am new... - Glaucoma UK
Paul Tube implant for Glaucoma

I had SLT but continued with Ganfort drops nightly afterwards (always worked best for me anyway) and presssures came down straight away and remained low ever since.
Many thanks for your reply.
When I had Cataracts removed and new lenses put in my eyes in accordance with previous specs prescription they also put stents in my eyes for extra drainage...two in each eye. Not sure if that is the same as you have had. I had to use antibiotic drops for 3 days afterwards and then back to the Ganfort...that's all as far as I can remember. My pressures have been stable since. The SLT works for around a year or so then started to fail again...hence Cataracts removed as this also helps lower pressures. I have not heard of the two tubes you mention so may be something newer....but sounds like they are supposed to do the same thing. Ask what the pressures are now to compare with before. Mine took a week or two to come down and gradually dropped after that to 12 and 14...which I was very happy with! Had been nearing 30 before as previous Eye Clinic had changed me from Ganfort to Azarga drops at annual check up...then next check up was six months late..and during that time my pressures had rocketed and the drops msde me unwell! So always ask what they are to get some idea yourself. Had to speak to Specialist to get him to ensure I was back on Ganfort as he reinforced this with GP Surgery. That 18 months off Ganfort really messed my eyes up as it had always worked really well for me.