Has anybody had cataracts removed for narrow eye closure not glumcomma
Narrow aleye closure: Has anybody had cataracts... - Glaucoma UK
Narrow aleye closure
Hi,l have narrow drainage angles,no glaucoma,I had cataract surgery on my left eye 5 weeks ,at my one week checkup pressure had come down to 14,I have another appointment on Tuesday and if it is still ok consultant is going to stop or reduce the drops in that eye.
Did you have any complications I am so scared. Have to have both eyes done could you see as normal?Jane

I had left eye done 5 weeks ago, everything went fine it's nothing to be scared about you have anaesthetic drops in your eye so you don't feel anything.l had blurry vision sometimes for the first couple of weeks but not everyone gets that. I'm going on Tuesday for checkup and to be put on list for my right eye.
Thanks for coming back to me good luck on Tuesday has the blurry vision gone now I am such a whimp Jane
I think he has scared me because he has told me all the things that could go wrong. Sorry to keep texting you but it's been really good to speak to somebody that has been through the same thing. I really have appreciated your help. Again many thanksJane
My eyes was 28 now gone down but specialist seems to think it may spike so hence the for cataract surgery. Lizzy thanks for all your help
Was your eye sight OK apart from blur ?
My eye pressure was between 19/21 for more than 30 years then it went up to 32 two years ago. l had iridotomy which brought pressure down abit but not enough.I have been on drops since then.I have been told the cataracts are making the narrow drainage angles even more narrow.Sight is fine now in left eye no blur.Are you on drops and whats your pressure? If there's anything you want to know I will help if I can.
I am on drops menopost. Pressure has gone down but may spike again that is why they want o do cataract surgery. Its good to know it has helped you and makes me feel more positive. Really many thanksJane

When you have cataract surgery the replacement lens are smaller and flatter allowing the fluid from your eyes to flow more easily.
Bless thank you so much. He reconds about two months. Again many thanks its brilliant to talk to you.
He has just scared me because of the narrow angle there is less room for them to operate but ge is good

Had mine done in January, as pressure too high despite an irridotomy several years ago, The procedures were ok. They did my lazy eye first, followed by my 'good' eye 2 weeks later. I think the drug they used was Mannitol to lower the pressure during the procedure. I had to have it intravenously. You will be fine. I was really scared too.
Thanks rosie
My first cataract op 5 weeks ago was on a lazy eye,has your sight improved in that eye,mine has a little
Hi RosieI have pe op tomorrow and last night sweat and thoughts was going mad in my head. I felt that I could not go through with the op but know its the best thing to do how did you cope I am not sure how to cope with getting myself worked up and still have another 2 months to go already on anxiety tablets which do not seem to be doing anything did you feel like this ?

Yes because there is less room it is a more delicate op and it takes a little longer to do it but if I was at all concerned I wouldn't want my other eye done which I hope is done as soon as possible.
Have you got a lazy eye or is that rosie

Both of us
At least all good now
Are u managing is it in both eyes.

It's just my left eye ,I had an operation to straighten it when I was 5 but it is weaker than my right .
Hopefully they will do the other one soon. They might give you some idea on Tuesday I would like to know how you get on.

I will let you know on Tuesday when I get back.
How did u get on today. Had my pre op letter today now more real.

Not as good as I had hoped ,there is still some inflammation in my left eye so I'm on more drops for another 6 weeks,eye pressure is now 16 up from 14 but I suppose that's the inflammation. I'm also on the list for my right eye.if you want to know anything about the op just ask.
They do say your eye pressure goes up and down for a few months after operation so 16 is not bad that's what mine was before it went sky high when have you got to go back or will they wait till other eye is done. Surgeon did say to me it will be 3 months after first eye for second one. I had a jeßage from another chat and he had both eyes done and has now been discharged from hospital. I am at Brecon hospital I think a distance away.

I haven't got to go back until I have my right eye done in around about 4 weeks
Will they check then if the inflammation has recovered. Seems not a problem otherwise they would be checking it sooner. I'll be in touch to see if all OK with you my pre op is Tuesday put it in a draw and trying to fiorget about it . If that's all OK with you. My nerves may kick in soonerTake care

Yes I suppose they will check when I go to make sure it has all cleared up I'll check with you next Tuesday to see how you got on .
Hi, I had an LI last January due to narrow angle closure, Two months later I had cataracts removed from both eyes at the same time. My eyes have been fine and my pressures are as well. I use hylo drops daily for dry eyes due to Sjorns syndrome.
I am on monopost drops and hydro . My eyes are normal apart from this problem how about u
Did you have to have a cannula in your hand sorry its been a while sense your last text
HiSorry to trouble you. Did you have blury eyes after your surgery if so dlhow long did it last for
yes I was on monopost drops until my last check up and I was told not to use any more monopost just hydro from now on and have been discharged from the hospital now. I just go to my opticians to have my pressures checked now and again and an eye test yearly. My eyes are fine I just had them checked last week.
That's great hope mine has the same outcome thanks for reply.
hello, I had acute narrow angle glaucoma (pressures always fine, but narrow angles) Thus can lead to medical emergency if channels get blocked, so it was a quick referral to sort it. I had both lenses replaced (which is a cataract op ) & think he slightly moved eyeballs, which I didn’t feel in either eye. The ops were great, no pain & I could see clearly the next morning. Had floaters for a time, but they settled. Glad I had it done.!! 👍
I still might develop a separate Primary glaucoma (re the pressures) as my mum had it & I have increased cupping of the discs, but under review. Hope all goes well for you!
What do you moved eye ball ?
You have scared me know what do u mean move eyeball. Taking tablets at the moment to calm me down which are doing nothing. Do your eyes look the same if they have something. I have marrow angle drainage not glucomma this hopefully is a precautionJane
Just checking did you receive my message age
I have had a e mail from health unlocked saying I have not replied to you. Is this spam?

Hi Jane. Just to put your mind at rest. They do not move the eyeball. The person probably meant they felt a movement of the eye during the procedure which is normal. The eye stays in the same position and is not affected by the procedure.
Hi TrishHave u got the same problem. I am so scared and gave another two months before surgery on tablets at the moment to calm me down n9t doing anything feeling sick every day notcsleeping.
Hi TrishThanks for that. I am a right whimp and am scared cannot sleep and feel sick all the time with another two months to go. Have you got narrow angle drainage and have u had cataract removal. I do appreciated you comments on eyeball not moving. . I just feel its all going to go wrong and wish I could get it out of my head
Hi Jane. No, I am the person you spoke to on the Helpline who suggested you join to the forum. Its good to see you have received so many positive responses.
Thank you they have replied especially lizzy. But in my head it's going to go wrong but. It really has helped. I think now I have had a confirmation of pre op and its another meaning to getting closer.Jane
Hi TrishSorry to trouble you. I have a question you might be able to help with. After surgery if I have blury vision how long should I wait before checking if I have a problem and should I contact consultant or optician?
Hello Jane,
Vision is normally blurred for 24-48 hours after cataract surgery. If vision doesn't clear or you have any concerns, you wil need to get back to the consultant.
Hi Tris
I have my pe op tomorrow which I know is nothing but last night could not thinking about op and ended up pouring of sweat and thinking I could not go through with it but I know best thing to do I have another two months and really do not know how to cope I an already in anxiety tablets which do not seem to be helping. Any suggestions how to get past the nxt two months my stomach is racing now and in a right mess.

You have had such positive responses to your post. I really dont have any suggestions to help you. If you haven't done so already I would make sure the consultant is aware that you are on prescribed medication to help with anxiety. They need to be kept up to date with any prescribed medications.
Yes have done that . I just wish h I could. Pa s tThinking is going to go wrong will speak to nurse tomorrow bit thanks for reply
Hi TrishSorry to trouble you but I have a question I have a op date of the 17th May and been in touch with lizzy who tells me she had a cannula in her hand because her eye pressure was high I am now even more scared why would she have to have this ant ideas to put my mind at rest nobody mentioned thus at the pre op they said a crystal in my eye to numb it and a tablet to calm me dow any ideas please help
How did you get on at your pre op today?
OK just burst into tears so scared they are hoping for April. Said due to anxiety levels will give me diazepam before hand I cannot get out my head its all going to go pear shape. I really appreciate your message u OKXxx

You will be absolutely fine ,the thought of it is much worse than actually having it done. I'm Ok steroid drops 6 times a day is a pain but it's got to be done.
That's a lot of drops but worth it. They reckon half hour for op which I think Is normal for narrow angle . Let me know when your appointment for your other eye .is Lizzy can I say u have been a god sent to me. . But I am a born worrier but u are really help. A glass of wine gas helpedtaje dareLet me know
Yes I think mine was about 30 minutes but time went quick,I will let you know when I get my next appointment,I think it will be in about 4 weeks.
Yes will do xx
Hi lizzy
Just checking did you get message have a date is 17th May have u hadcyour appointment for your second eue

Hi Jane,l have not had appointment for second eye yet hopefully it will be soon, good luck with yours,it will soon be over try not to stress too much
I am stressing but it needs to be done nice to hear from you