I was found at a very early stage about 18 months ago. I have been having 6 monthly checkups, and about 6 weeks ago I had a checkup just with the clinician and I'm sure she said I will get a letter in around 8 weeks telling me when I need to be seen again which I thought they wouldn't want to see me for several months. The letter has come through but I have another appointment only 8 weeks from my last one and it is just with the clinician again not a consultant. Why am I seeing her again so soon after my last one. Makes me think something is wrong. I'm very scared
Why does the clinician what to see me - Glaucoma UK
Why does the clinician what to see me

Hi! Could you call your clinician or the secretary and ask? It may be an error on their part or an administrative error maybe. Could you have misheard and clinician said they’d like to see you in 8 wks? Did they change your medication? They often do a check more swiftly after a change in medication. Personally I think I’d find out as I’d just sit and worry for 8 wks.
Thank you for replying. I know it sounds stupid but I'm almost worried to call and find out. My pressures were fine, no change in drops. My appointment is in 2 weeks and I was only seen 6 weeks ago. I'm gonna have to make the dreaded call otherwise I'll lose my mind. I hate the anxiety of it all.
If you are feeling really anxious I would ask them. Too much anxiety isn’t good for your health . I’m sure they wouldn’t want you to be worrying unduly. On the flip side, if they do want to discuss something then I’d be relieved that they are on the case and being proactive, it’s actually a positive sign that you are being well looked after! It can be very worrying early in diagnosis, and a lot of unknowns to take in, so it’s very understandable that you’re feeling anxious.
Is it possible that you are going to have a visual fields test? Just a thought.
So it turns out the letter was sent in error and I am being seen again June. Thank you for the replies and giving me the push to call. Sometimes its easier to bury your head in the sand but I'm glad I called
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