Hi everyone.
I hope this is allowed?
I have made a YouTube channel to share my glaucoma journey upto now which will also be added to moving forward. I am a 52 year old that was diagnosed with open angle glaucoma 2.5 years ago and since then I have had 7 surgeries including an Trab and I am now awaiting a Baerveldt implant. I have gained a great deal from forums like this and groups on Facebook so I just wanted to give a little back to this awesome community.
There are already 6 videos up and running with more being added daily. my videos will include diagnosis, surgeries, Migraines, and mental health. Eye drops and everything that I have personally experienced. And learnt from during my journey.
the channel is called Glaucoma pirates and it is NOT monetised as my intention is to help others that may be benefit from a first hand insight. I would be grateful if you would check it out and let it reach as many people as possible that it might benefit.
many thanks & Kind regards Matt X
Glaucoma Pitrates
(Walking the plank everyday)