My GP has ignores my requests for medication a... - Glaucoma UK

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My GP has ignores my requests for medication and help-what can i do.

xeena profile image
12 Replies

My GP has ignored me for over a year - apart from sending nurses to take my blood three times in one week and that was the beginning of March - the first nurse stuck the needle into my arm three times and missed my vein twice but got it on the third thrust - i was crying with the pain and telling her to stop which she did after the 3rd attempt that was on the Monday - then the same week on Wednesday another nurse came and took blood which caused me a lot of pain and then again on the Friday yet another nurse came and took blood again very very painful and still is - i can hardly use my arm and the pain is going right up into my shoulder and neck - i have to use a sling now - i rang the GP and he said it will get better - but it is getting worse and the GP will not see me or give me any painkilling tablets for it - he said i had to buy them from the chemist - i do not know what to do or who to turn to now as i cannot go out as disabled and am not allowed a mobility scooter nor any adaptions - please - what can i do - i have tried Age UK - CAB - Healthwatch and all the usual places they have tried but my GP just will not treat me - sorry this is so long - any help will be much appreciated - thank you and bless you all.

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xeena profile image
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12 Replies
muddledme profile image

Hello xeena,

So sorry this has happened over the bank holidays, always more worrying.

I do hope your arm will improve. If it has been bruised then this can take quite a while to absorb and feel more comfortable. Often when a vein is punctured the blood will accidently continue to leak into the tissues.

To help avoid this next time, try pressing on the puncture site firmly for a minute or two and elevating the arm.

Also please remember to tell the staff that you have 'difficult' veins before any further attempts.

Be careful with the sling, if you keep it on and completely imobilise your arm for many days then you may be at risk to develop Frozen Shoulder which is extremely painful.

Sometimes you may find that a warm or cold compress may be soothing and elevate your arm on a cushion or pillow when sitting.

If it is difficult getting out ,then when you get your supermarket shopping you could buy some simple painkillers to always have in the house eg; ( Parecetamol). These usually only cost pence. You will be limited to one or two boxes at each shop. Your surgery or pharmacist would know if it is safe for you to take these.

Hopefully as your G.P says things will go well , but if not then you can always phone 111 where you are able to speak to a health professional. First, I find it helpful to write down all my questions so it is possible to remember the important facts.

Best wishes

xeena profile image
xeena in reply to muddledme

Hi there Muddle me - thankyou for the reply. I have not seen a GP for over a year and there is nothing wrong with my veins - it was the 1st nurse who just stuck the needle in and out three times without looking properly for the vein - the other two nurses who came on the Wednesday and Friday had no problems - but they had to use the other arm. My GP just does not bother coming to see me and when i had the covid injection i was so ill but still they did not bother and i laid on the floor for three days as i was so giddy. Yes i have been buying paracetamol but they do not do anything for the pain. I have been stuck indoors now since the Corona Virus started and cannot get out as i have to use two crutches and it is a long way to the shops and i am not allowed to buy myself a mobility scooter - i asked my GP for help getting a scooter and that was two and a half years ago and still nothing has been done to help me - so i just give up now. I hope that you are keeping well and enjoying the celebrations for the Queen - i was twelve when she was crowned and we had street parties then. Your comments are much appreciated - i wish you good health. Thankyou. Bless you.

muddledme profile image
muddledme in reply to xeena

Have you asked the Red Cross if they have any Mobility aids for loan or at a reduced price ? Your local branch details will be on line.

My mother found them very helpful and she managed to borrow several aids. We also bought a good second hand mobility scooter and despite poor sight she managed to get about well.

Do you know another G.P who may be more helpfull ? Neighbours and friends

are often good guides. You then approach the new G.P and ask if you can transfer to their list.

Weekdays you may be able to phone the surgery and ask to speak to the District Nurse unless you are due for a visit soon. That way you could get her to look at your arm and ensure it is just bruising and not infection.( Infection usually feels hot and throbs).

If you have any Arnica solution or Witch Hazel , either can help alleviate bruising when rubbed in. Both should be available at the chemist and useful to keep at home.

Please do not give up ! I know things are sometimes very difficult but it usually just means finding the right help. Hopefully this may be easier from Monday.

Yes, I remember getting a Coronation Mug in 1953 and still have it !

Best wishes

xeena profile image
xeena in reply to muddledme

Hi there - i never see nor hear from anyone at the surgery - only the nurses when they turn up like they did. I do have crutches but i am not allowed a scooter as my GP will not tell my housing people that i need one and also my housing people will not let me have one anyway - i have been battling for four years to get a scooter as the shops are too far away for me to walk to. My arm is not bruised now but the pain goes right up and into my neck and it is very painful. My housing people (association) would not put me in a bath lift - so i bought one myself - but if i buy a scooter they say they will take it and dispose of it. I have never been able to go to the surgery as it is too far from me - NHS England put me to this surgery when i moved into this flat i did not choose it and the others are further away - but i did ask another surgery if i could go to them - it was further away and they said no. My neighbors do not speak to me - they are all a lot younger than me - so i suppose it is an age thing. I have never seen a district nurse from the surgery and yet i do have high blood pressure and b12 deficiency and quite a few other things wrong with me - especially my eyes as i have glaucoma and the GP was told to give me B12 injections by Moorfields Hospital that i have been under since birth but they will not and so i inject myself and i buy any other medication from Amazon. I will have a look on there to see if they have anything for pain. Oh dear - sorry this is so long - i just wanted to explain about my surgery and the GP's there. Sadly i do not still have my coronation mug. Take care and thankyou for the time you have given to me in replying - keep well and safe. Bless you.

muddledme profile image
muddledme in reply to xeena

Are you in contact with the occupational therapy department at your local hospital ? If you ring them and explain about your mobiity problems they may have some suggestions.They will sometimes visit you at home.

You can contact them through the main hospital switchboard.

There are so many different mobility aids these days that perhaps some may be acceptable to your housing association.

I think that by law you are entitled to request a change of G.P's. Your G.P 's receptionist would know what you need to do, or else look on line.

Best wishes.

xeena profile image
xeena in reply to muddledme

No i am not in contact with anyone let alone the OT - but i will give them a try tomorrow - i had not thought of them - i suppose because i have never seen them - i have tried Social Services - Age Concern - Healthwatch - CAB and the NHS Complaints Advocate - but they all say there is nothing they can do - i cannot even use the garden outside my lounge window because my housing association will not make it into a door - i even offered to pay for it myself but it was a firm no and they even tried to make me sign a new tenancy from a secure tenancy to a yearly tenancy but i was not having that. I have looked online to see the nearest GP surgery - but it means a fairly long walk and with two crutches it would take forever - but i will ring them and see if they do home visits and keep my fingers crossed. Yes there are a lot of mobility aids and that is why i wanted to get a mobility scooter as i could keep it in my flat as i have a very large flat but my Housing Association say that if i get one they will come and take it away from me and dispose of it - i am surprised that they have not come and taken away my bath lift that i bought myself. I have been doing battle with the Housing Association ever since i have lived here - all to no avail. I will try the hospital tomorrow for the OT and will also try some other GP's - but they are all too far for me to walk to - but i will try them - perhaps they might do a home visit and perhaps i could find one to give me my eye drops for my Glaucoma. I thank you so so much for the time you have given me and the help and advice - i am truly very very grateful and will let you know how i get on. Bless you and stay safe.

neblina profile image
neblina in reply to xeena

You say your neighbours don't speak to you. Have you tried signing up to Nextdoor, which is a social network specifically linked to your geographical location? I bet you have loads of neighbours who would love to get to know you, but are just a bit shy to start up a conversation.

xeena profile image
xeena in reply to neblina

Hi there and thank you for telling me about next door - i will give it a try - perhaps i can make some friends to chat to - i will look it up this evening. Thankyou for that information - keep well.👍

xeena profile image
xeena in reply to neblina

Hi there - i hope you are well and i do hope that you get good treatment for your eyes as i too have glaucoma and have had for a good few years - they tell me that my eye problems started when i was born as i was born with a cleft pallet which caused me to have a hare lip and i have been under Moorfields since birth and am waiting for my next appointment. I have taken your advice and joined next door and am waiting to see if anyone will message me - it is a very interesting site as i have some things that i do not need and that might help other people out. I pray that your eyes will get better and thankyou for all the input you have given me - bless you👍

neblina profile image
neblina in reply to xeena

I had my surgery on Friday - see my post at:

Quiet_Lin profile image

Would I be right in saying that you are in your 80s? And that you are being ignored by your GP and Housing Association?

How dare they deny you a mobility scooter!

They are either afraid you will hurt yourself, or too lazy to make provision for you. Please get them to put this in writing and be prepared to contact a Disability Rights lawyer. Best of luck Xeena.

xeena profile image
xeena in reply to Quiet_Lin

Hi there - thankyou for your comments - i have tried every thing i can and i am still told no. I never see a GP and i do not go out - it is soul destroying to be stuck indoors all the time as i cannot have access to the garden and yes i am eighty years of age - will be eighty one in December - oh the joys of old age - not. No - i would not hurt myself if i had a mobility scooter and it would be such a joy to be able to go out - my GP will not refer me to the Wheelchair services Roehampton - which would mean that they would help me get permission from my landlord to have a mobility scooter - for which i would pay for myself - i cannot even use the garden outside my lounge window as they will not make it into a door - once again i offered to pay for it to be done - but they said no. The GP rang me three days ago and said that he is referring me to the Orthopaedic Centre on the 15th of July to find out what is wrong with my left arm - it is where the nurse stuck the needle in my arm three times - just like she was throwing a dart - she finally got some blood out - but after that which was on the Monday another nurse came on the Wednesday and done the same and then again another nurse came on the Friday of the same week and done it again - i have been in agony ever since that happened - it was at the beginning of March and i have just heard from the GP three days ago - he will not even give me pain killers - i have never been to the surgery and never see a GP - so now i am waiting to see what happens when i go to the hospital - perhaps i will be able to get some help from the hospital. My arm is so very painful and it goes right up into my shoulder and neck - i have never known pain like it - it scares me as i live alone and just do not know who to turn to for help - but please god i will get help soon. I do hope that you are keeping well and thank you for your reply to my message. God bless and take care.

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