Wet Eyelashes : Just a quick question I put my... - Glaucoma UK

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Wet Eyelashes

31 Replies

Just a quick question I put my drops in and hold the corner of my eye for 2 mins like we are meant to do. The one thing that worry’s me is my eyelashes are wet when I’ve finished. I worry the drop hasn’t gone in. Do any of you lovely people get this. Is it normal am I doing my drops ok xx

31 Replies
Engima profile image

Hi. My eyelashes always get wet and also sometimes have some of the drops run out of the eye. I always know that enough has gone in as it stings!

mrswaffle profile image

Yes, wet eyelashes here! By the way, I was taught how to administer my eye drops by an optometrist. He advised me to make sure I pull down the lower eyelid as much as possible, then drip the drop into the “pocket”. Of course, you can’t see (or I can’t) the drop itself and then you close your eyes, so I would think most people would get a little “seepage”. I also have quite long straight eyelashes, which get in the way, if I am not careful to open my eye to its widest. It’s a bit like patting your head and rubbing your tummy, but with practice, you can do that, too! ♥️

in reply to mrswaffle

Thankyou I know they are definitely going in but just doubt yourself sometimes x

in reply to

I have the same issue but only with Simbrinza, I think it's the shape of the dropper as I never have any issues with Ganfort. I do sometimes wonder if the drop did actually go into my eye, even though I felt it go in . I have to fight the urge to put another drop in just to be sure. I put mine in the same way as Mrs Waffle. X

in reply to

Thankyou Witchie xx

callie77 profile image

Yes Julie same here! Sometimes it runs down my cheeks. It's always hit and miss with me, never sure if it's gone in or not. You would think after 2 years I would have mastered it by now, but no I haven't.Hope today is a good day x

in reply to callie77

It does make you wonder if it’s gone in I get it running down my cheek sometimes to. Today I much thankyou. Hope your having a nice weekend x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

I was also told not to “scrunch” my eye shut after putting them in as this can make some come out.

Wales99 profile image

If you go on the Glaucoma UK website they have a video of how to put drops in, that really helped me. It’s always a worry that they haven’t gone in though. At least with a tablet you swallow it so you know you’ve taken it. It amazes me that they haven’t come up with a better way to treat Glaucoma than eye drops, or at least a better way to administer them. With so many people struggling with drops there is a lot of room for human error. I did read a while ago that they were working on an implant that would go in the eye (obvs) and release the drops on some sort of “time release”. Imagine that - it would be brilliant- no more struggling & faffing about with flipping eye drops!

in reply to Wales99

Hi Wales99 yes I’ve seen that video. It has helped I just think after I’ve closed my eye and held it in the corner for 2 mins when that’s done I feel my eyelashes the inside of them they are not soaked but are a little wet then I just think I really hope that drop went in. Also I read about that implant I wonder when that will come about like you say they should come up with something else there is room for human error. I’m still struggling at the mo that he said to me I need close monitoring j keep thinking my gluacoma is worse than what he’s saying or do you think I should just be thinking well he’s trying to control it ive been seen every 8 weeks since diagnosed x

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to

I think it’s a good thing that he said you need close monitoring. I would take it as a positive- at least he is keeping an eye on it (pun intended). As I said mine was left and hence damage to the optic nerve which can cause some sight loss and has in my case. From what I can understand they have caught yours early and you have no damage to the optic nerve? If they keep on top of that by close monitoring then you should be fine. I’m absolutely no expert though - just my opinion! 😊. I would defo take that as a positive.

in reply to Wales99

Thankyou I’m trying to take it like that xx

Beecalmed profile image
Beecalmed in reply to Wales99

And if we didn’t have enough to contend with (pull eyelid down, head to one side, no manage to get a drop out the bottle, manage to get drop in eye, not blink, not sneeze, not swallow, etc) they then give you a drop that makes your body grow flipping enormous long eyelashes that ensure if you have a reflexive blink you’re eyelashes knock the drop out before it hits your eyeball. 😂 Yes I can’t believe they haven’t come up with a better way of dispensing medicine than drops either. I like my idea of a blob that melts on contact with the eye; measured dose, obvious if it’s in or not; countable blobs if you have that “ooohaveIputmyeyedropsin” moment. 🙂

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to Beecalmed

😂. I was on travoprost which made my eyelashes grow but only on one eye as I only have glaucoma in one eye. So I started putting it on the other eye with a cotton bud - I was told I could do this. Since my Trab I haven’t been on Travoprost & I thought my eyelashes would stay long but they didn’t! In fact on the trab eye they went weird - i had some long & some really short! I liked having long eyelashes- everyone commented on them. I’ve started using an eyelash serum which is quite good. You can’t win 😂.

Beecalmed profile image
Beecalmed in reply to Wales99

Oh Wales99 you just made me laugh out loud. Yes the long lashes are quite nice particularly when you’ve always had short stubby ones like mine. But lately the lash growth has gone random and I’m getting the odd angled lashes growing that poke in my eye till I pull them out. My lashes are so long now they sweep up and down inside my glasses marking them so I have to keep cleaning them. The optician keeps moving the glasses down so they sit further down my nose to escape the lashes but now I’m running out of nose! It’s never easy for sure!😂😂😂

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to Beecalmed

Glad I made you smile 😊. Yes I had that - lashes growing up & out randomly. Also I kept hearing a clicking noise when I was reading & couldn’t work out what it was. Then I realised it was my eyelashes brushing on the inside of my glasses 😂. You could maybe try curling them? That would lift them up a bit away for your glasses.

in reply to Beecalmed

Ha your so right😂 xx

misspops profile image

Hello all you drop takers. I keep my glaucoma drops in the fridge, that way they are cold, and you can feel them entering your eye, (or not).

in reply to misspops

I do keep them in the fridge to. I’m sure they are going in just sometimes wet lashes after I’ve held my eye closed x

Beecalmed profile image
Beecalmed in reply to misspops

I did store mine in the fridge for that same reason until….my fridge dial got knocked and froze the contents of the fridge including the drops in the phials.😫 Big letters said DO NOT FREEZE! I had to get an emergency prescription from my dr and got a dressing down from the nurse in the pharmacy not to put anything in the fridge unless I was told too (I think she’d must’ve had a really bad day, bless her) so sheepishly I haven’t put them in the fridge since. 😬

in reply to Beecalmed

Ooh maybe I shouldn’t put them in the fridge do you think it does something to them that makes them less affective if the nurse wasn’t happy x

Beecalmed profile image
Beecalmed in reply to

I’m sure you’re ok to store in fridge! Firstly it was my old unreliable fridge that was the problem as most fridges don’t get so cold they freeze things. 🥶Secondly I think if your drops are in a bottle then they won’t freeze easily. Also my drops were Trusopt which are in tiny individual tubes so they were vulnerable to freezing. My mom has glaucoma and has kept her drops in the fridge for decades now without any problem so I think you can continue. The nurse I think was a bit over the top (perhaps had a long tiring day) but you could check with your doctor if you have any concerns about if your drops are okay in the fridges. I think glaucoma uk say to check with your chemist or check the packaging as it states the minimum and maximum storage temperature in it. Lots of people store in fridge so do continue. 👍🏻 When I have a new fridge I will probably keep drops in there again.

in reply to Beecalmed

Thankyou for the message. I just worry about everything to do with gluacoma at the moment. Just not in greatest of places. Xx

Beecalmed profile image
Beecalmed in reply to

I know. Sorry if I freaked you out. 🤭

in reply to Beecalmed

Oh no you didn’t freak me out at all. Your always kind and helpful. Thankyou xx

Wales99 profile image
Wales99 in reply to Beecalmed

They say these things to cover themselves. Every one is so concerned about getting sued these days 🙄. Unless it’s been quadruple tested in a gazillions laboratories they won’t advise it! 😂

Kiara-52 profile image

Hi Julie, That happens to me all the time as well. Think it's normal. I keep them in the fridge so it helps me to know that the drop has went in!

goodtotalk profile image

I’m a month in from diagnosis & yes.., it’s a hit or miss whether that 1 drop goes in! 👁 Fingers crossed though 🤞🏼

goodtotalk profile image

Yes, I’m a month in from diagnosis & yes, it’s a hit or miss getting that one drop in!

in reply to goodtotalk

Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed. How are you. Xx

goodtotalk profile image
goodtotalk in reply to

Aw, thank you for asking! 😊

I’m ok & honestly just glad I paid the extra £10 at my optician sight test over a year ago! Corneal thickness result got me referred to Ophthalmology.

Appointment was last month & consultant seemed a little frustrated I’d not been referred sooner due to family history of severe glaucoma... my Mum.

I did wait slightly longer for an appointment as I requested my Mum’s consultant. He told her 25 years ago he wouldn’t let her lose her sight... and she hasn’t. She’s had numerous procedures, inc. 3 Trabs, & leads a perfectly normal life. Only negative is she had to give up her driving license 7 years ago.

I guess I know the path I’m on, it’ll be tricky at times, but being monitored now is a relief.

Pressures were 26 & 22 so fingers crossed the Latanoprost works.

I go back to eye clinic in a few weeks.

Hoping I can maybe have cataract surgery once the pressures are under control. Get rid of my super-myopic lenses! 👀

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