Is there any eye drop for glaucoma we can buy over the counter or online in UK without prescription? I have normal tension, low pressure, Glaucoma and doctor has prescribed me Latanoprost which I presume is a generic and common glaucoma eye drop . The problem with me is I am genius losing pieces of papers and small items like an eye dropper and it happened before. It would give me a peace of mind if I can buy it without prescription. I am supposing that what I need is any eye drop, not necessarily Latanoprost, that lowers my IOP just a little, and not a drastic ones.
any glaucoma eye drop without prescription? - Glaucoma UK
any glaucoma eye drop without prescription?

Probably not as Glaucoma is a, medical condition
As for me I addressed the and they helped me to get my "Duotrav" drops for one year, then they asked for a new prescription for the next coming year. I personally don't feel comfortable flashing a light into my eye to check the back of the eye. My eyes got very sensitive to lights directed to them, but the medical community have they rules.
Hi charles555, I’m only newly diagnosed with glaucoma and it isn’t the same as your diagnosis, but like you I have been put on Latanoprost. I don’t know about your particular condition, but what I’ve been told is that using the drops and doing what we have been asked to do by our consultant/medical team is pretty important. So maybe for reassurance you could ask for a prescription for another Latanoprost so you can always have a spare at home so you don’t have to worry too much if you lost one? Just a suggestion 😊
We have a community pharmacist attached to GP practice and he will prescribe me a spare bottle as sometimes the drops don't last as long as they should. If there's no community pharmacist just explain the problem to GP and they can do the same. They will probably just want to check that you are using correctly etc before doing so and not likely to put too much in. I think that these meds are prescription only.
Ask for the eye drops to be put on a repeat prescription and make sure to order a new bottle about two weeks before you need the drops.
Hello. You sound like myself when I was diagnosed 18 years ago. I wish someone had given me advice at the time and maybe I wouldn’t have the little damage I have now :(. So Basically Glaucoma is not something that will go away or that you can afford to misplace or forget a drop or even pick up a random medicine at Boots. Although many people live for many years with good vision, how you take care of your drops and regime, affects how good it will be. Treat your drops like gold dust, don’t repeatedly forget to put them in, attend all your appointments. Never put anything in your eye unless your doc has approved it as one day you might need another drop instead of/as well as. Eye drops like any medicine have side effects. Best to go with the consultant.
Latanoprost is prescription only. I also have NTG and am Latanoprost. I leave it in the same place and have an alarm set in my phone to put it in. It is so very important to adhere to the drop regimen your GS has set or your sight will be affected.
Hi Charles, I have open angled glaucoma diagnosed with glaucoma in january 2021. I have been taking lantaprost for 2 years in france its called monoprost. I was taking it for just high pressure. It did not give me any side effects that I know of. I do get slight red eye now and I take dry eye drops thealose. Do not be afraid of these drops, they are to keep your pressure down. I take mine as instructed at night only, right beside the bed in the drawer. Make sure you gently press in the corner of your eye for at least a minute to contain the drop in the eye (less side effects in your body). You won't lose your drops if you put them in your eyes in the same place. take care valfrance
Hi Val. this Monoprost sounds like another version of Latanoprost. So , Monoprost is prescription only in France as well? As to using eye drops, your way sounds rather peculiar. You put the drop at the corner of your eyes? is it important to aim the corner? not the iris? and what about this one minute? Are you suggesting closing your eyes for a minute after having the drop?

Hello Charles555.
Latanoprost can only be prescribed by a glaucoma consultant or GP. if you are prone to losing/forgetting where you leave your eyedrop bottle try choosing an area to always put your drops in. It could be the bathroom cabinet or the bedside table. That way it will always be in the same place and less chance of forgetting where you left it. There is a make of Latanoprost called Monopost. These come in individual vials and are kept in the fridge. They are one use vials so once your used them you just throw the container away. This might be a better option for you as they will always be kept in one place.
thanks. ok it is called Monoprost because it is one-use. I supposed it is prescription only, too. My latanooprost says it should be kept in fridge Before opening and room temperature After opening, the complete opposite of food and drink. If Momo==is of the same substance with Latano, it should have the same instruction. admittedly it is only a detail.. thank u for your suggestion
As Monopost is preservative free it will need to be kept refrigerated so it will not have the same instructions as the drop you are taking now. There are no glaucoma drops available that are not prescribed.
my monoprost is single vials as was allergic to the other and I dont keep them in a fridge
Monopost should be kept below 25 degree centigrade (normal room temperature) so it normally best kept refrigerated. The patient information leaflet does not specify this, other than keeping them stored below 25 degrees. This can be clarified with the pharmacist.
I live in the US and I buy a gentler version of Rhopressa called Glanatec from Japan that does not require a prescription.
You use this drop once in the AM and once in the PM.
I also have NTG.
They may have other Glaucoma Drops as well.
It is an online pharmacy called Japan Health.....their website is:
oh that is interesting. Thanks for this. although I doubt if it is available in UK or if this Japanese company ship it to Europe. How do you buy it in US?
Maybe for you lucky in the US...5 bottles for about $ 250 is a bargain....
Dear Bessygo,
I hope that the drops you are using are specifically prescribed by your Consultant and not just you choosing them because they are cheaper than whatever you were prescribed.
It is essential that you go with whatever a trained Consultant is prescribing you, not what some website tells you will do.
I can imagine the temptation to go for the cheapo drops though.
I was in Miami for a long weekend and had forgotten to pack my Travoprost.
Mindful of my ( English ) Consultant's strong injunction that I must NEVER EVER skip even one day of instilling the drops I went to a pharmacy to ask if they could let me have an emergency phial .......Indeed they could, albeit at a price : §105 ( one hundred and five dollars ) for the tiny phial !
And this was 11 years ago.........Still.......I paid up and learnt the lesson not to forget them in future.