Just had my letter through for my other eye to have SLT it’s on 10 September. Not so nervous now I know what to expect just so want it to work. Xx
2nd Date : Just had my letter through for my... - Glaucoma UK
2nd Date
That’s brilliant news! And not too far away. I have my biopsy on my eye lid on the 7th Sept so we will both looking forward to recovering after 12th September, my grandson’s birthday! Take care x
Thankyou Sunshine88888888 . Not quite so nervous just so want it to work. I’m on holiday to Devon for 6 days and come back and have that done so should be relaxed. Hope all goes well for you but will chat before then. It will be lovely to celebrate your grandsons birthday xx

Holiday in Devon will be a wonderful way to relax before the SLT, and hopefully the sun will shine for you xx
That's great you have your date and it's definitely easier when you know what to expect . Everything crossed that it lowers your eye pressure x
Thankyou so much and for all your supportive messages xx
Good news. Hope it works in lowering your eye pressure. Have a lovely weekend. x
Thankyou I do hope so. My eye is quite blurry today slightly worried x
Sometimes my eyes are more blurry than others. Think it all depends on how sunny or otherwise it is for me. Hope your eye clears soon. x
Great to get a date , you are looked after well at your hospital and everything 🤞🏻That you will get a good outcome x
Thankyou so much xx
Great news, Thats not long to wait then you will have both eyes completed and hopefully lovely low pressures. Hope you have a great holiday x
Thankyou so much x
Great news Julie, before you know it you will have had both done and lower pressures too. Have a relaxing and restful holiday. Hopefully the sun returns for you, I have struggled working through the heatwave and of course as soon as I finished work last weekend I have been rained out 😩 Garden loving it anyway xx
Thankyou for your message. I really hope it works. The sun was lovely but far to hot. Your right the garden did need it. Have a lovely weekend x
I really hope it works too and your pressures come down. 👍🏻
Great news Julie really pleased for you. Unfortunately I havent had that luck at my hospital! I managed to get through to them in the end and spoke to the consultants secretary. There is no possibility of bringing my appointment back earlier after it got postponed from 10th August. It has to be 14th September now. Apparently if I think it's an emergency I can log in for a video call . Like you I'm going on holiday on Monday so I'll l have to wait. t I hope your eye settles down and keeps your pressure low. Best wishes
Well Julie guess what!? I have to have SLT too! Just got letter from my consultant telling me and also the appointment date at same time. Op is in early October. 😬
Hi just want to say it really doesn’t hurt. Are you pleased you are getting it. Is it open angle you have and how long have you had it. X
I’m actually disappointed as my IOPs were good but very grateful if it means i lose less sight, obvs. Bit anxious as I haven’t seen my consultant in the flesh since 2019 due to covid and I just got a letter with date for op on 12 October but no idea who will do the procedure. That is a little disconcerting. 🙁 Yes I have open angle in both eyes. Diagnosed in 2018 (not a BIG surprise as in family)and had already lost some vision close to centre of right eye (which was the HUGE surprise as screened for glaucoma every year for 18 years and not detected😣). Just this year finally got my pressures down to 16 which was amazing but disappointed they’ve confirmed vision still deteriorating in right eye so guess they’re adding in SLT so as to avoid adding additional drop as I have had some allergic reactions along the way and I can’t take beta blockers which is a bummer. So bit worried but ill take anything if it stops my sight determination. My medical license runs out in September too and with DVLA delays this is adding to my anxiety a bit. Lots of calming deep breathing and any distraction from thinking too much going on here currently! 😬 How are you doing? Are you remembering those lubricating drops?
Oh bless you. You definitely havnt had a great time of it and not good you havnt seen anyone since 2019 that is a long time to long in fact. Maybe you can call eater the time or even now to see who will be doing your op that would ease some anxiety hopefully. I’ve heard delays are experiencing a backlog with the tests. I’m doing ok if I don’t think about gluacoma I always think I’m going to go blind like we all do I guess. It’s awful isn’t it. Yes I’m definitely doing my dry eye drops. I get my other eye done on the 10th September and hopefully it’s worked already on the eye I had it done on. Easy for me to say but try not to be to anxious. Have you got children have they been checked. I worry for mine so much x

Yes I have already called consultants secretary and they can’t tell me who will do it. I have been to regular appointments during covid just never with my consultant just opthomology nurses in “virtual” clinic. All a bit weird really. Sadly I don’t have my own children. Did hope for kids just not meant to be. I have step children and step grandchildren though which is lovely. I think the glaucoma genetics are quite random. I’m one of three children and my mom only passed it to me (so far). Only one of my cousins has glaucoma too. It’s possible your children don’t have the glaucoma gene at all. Just get them to have regular eye tests and to mention you have glaucoma so they get regular field tests at the optician. 🙂👍🏻 I’m off to visit my grandson for a few days (he was a COVID baby bless him so not seen a lot of him) so that will take my mind off things and will be a bit of a treat! 🙂
Oh bless you a virtual clinic is not good enough at all. Sorry you didn’t have children. My two sons are 31 and 29 oldest has been but youngest yet to go. I think they get the importance of it. It’s not in my family so really don’t know what caused mine so hoping there is no genetics. Enjoy your grandson xx