Lil intro/hi: Hay I'm k, trans ftm, 19 from... - Gender Identity

Gender Identity

Lil intro/hi

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Hay I'm k, trans ftm, 19 from UK.

I decided to take a massive step when I turned 18 as I had some savings and couldn't keep waiting for nhs waiting list I went private and now I'm like 4 months on T omg just rearlised that wow okay thats gone fast lol.

I was referred to gids and put on their waiting list in 2021 but told due to them shutting down I have to wait till I'm 18 and be put on gic list so just before I turned 18 contacted gic and they said yep I was on their waiting list in 2023 but I be waiting around 4yrs or more for a first appt as they were still on refferals from July 2018

Which I'm still on the waititng list because I'm not gonna be able to fund the private care due to how expensive it is and I'm living off uc and pip as unable to work at all so it's hard as well I spoke to my mh team and they said they speak with their gender specialist and if I was to go private who best it be, they then told me gender gp which I had some good and bad things said about them to me but I'm deperate at this point so accepted it and they seemed to be the cheapest I could find, with that though it cost alot and thankfully the main expenses are out the way and the prescription is like £50 a month which I seen in most pharmacy's if pretty average considering that it's delivered to me for free as well but still I'm not gonna be able to financially keep it up and hoping my gp can do a bridging prescription as they said they can see just send the paperwork from gender gp to them and I did like 3 months ago but ain't heard nothing back so will be chasing it soon.

Growing up I was always "a boy" even my family would say omg u should of been born a boy ect ect but the first time I tried coming out was around 14 (I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria at 12 but had to wait till I was 15 as need parent to okay it and my family would say some hateful things about trans people and just lgbtq+ overall so I didn't feel comfortable at all and thankfully I geuss perk of being kicked out the house for mh and put back into care at 15 helped as I been in care since I was 5 but around 10 still had a cer order but was allowed to return to my mams care) so yh I bascially made a plan of how I come out and get their views before I did and as I wa doing sociology in school I decided to make a survey thing and pretended it was for my class so I asked my nan mam and other family could they do it for my sociology class seeing how differnt generations and people veiw the lgbtq+ community and how they would feel if their family member came out as apart of it. From that their views weren't the best and I didnt feel okay enough to come out so didn't then turned 18 kinda dropped lil hints through from age 16 like my mates calling me kay using they/them pronouns around family instead she/her so yh, I came out officially just before I started on T as I was like right I'm not living in the home and if they still have same views as before atleast I was in a safe environment, I told them they notice some changing because I'm trans and are starting on t in a few weeks.

To my shock my family were amazing about it and rly supportive, and my mam even said she was like ngl though u didn't rly need to come out we knew from when u was a kid it happen one day and me and (some my mams friends who known me since a baby) knew but the reason we didn't change the way of what we call u ect is cuz we didn't want u to feel weird or pressured to come out and wanted u to do it in ur own time and when u felt more comfortable. So yeah all that stress and worry over the years for nothing as they all knew and now are trinna adjust to calling me my proffered name and I explained the reason I chose the name k/kay was well ik mam she wanted me to be called kayla my dad who ain't been in my life since I was 2 wanted me called Lee if I was a boy so they called me kaylee (idm sharing my dead name as although I don't like being called it it's still apart of me and its not ever gonna be gone like I was known as that by most people till I was 18 so yh I dont have the worst feeling towards it) so I decided to keep the part my mam gave me and it be easier for even my mates who only known me as kay it's just easer and tbh in my eyes it's always been a short kinda nickname of the name kayden which is what I decided to see and change my name as but I also kinda just prefer kay tbh as like it could be kaylee or kayden and so yh its just easier and helps me not in my eyes fully get rid of the kid who had to struggle not feeling comfortable in their own skin to accept and now feel good in their skin and accept but not get rid of who I was growing up because that little kid seeing me now would be glad and not in my eyes feel forgotten about if I fully changed my name as little me when able to have an opinion on how they dressed and what their interests were did get to do it how they felt more corolated with being a boy and was just seen as a tomboy so not hated on as much.

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