I was diagnosed with these conditions 5 years ago. I was on prednisolone for starting at 40mg daily and over 18months reduced to 0. This remission lasted nearly 2 years however I had to go back on them 20 months ago and I'm still taking them, at the moment still on 20mg daily. My problem however is the pain I have been experiencing on and off for the past 12 months, it's in and around my torso, deep inside, it feels like a muscular pain at the same time jarring and stabbing, about 9 months ago ever time I tried to stand up it was excruciating but went away after a few steps. It would also be painful if I bent over and then tried to stand up. It then disappeared almost altogether until last week. One night I tried to stand up, I only got to a half standing as I could not straighten myself and I was lop sided. It too half an hour to be able to sit down and did not get much relief for about 12 hrs, ever time I tried to move it felt as if someone was stabbing me. Has anyone else suffered from this sort of pain using steroids? I did mention this pain to my specialist, who said it was probably Muscleoskelatal? Any info would be appreciated.