Amazing website with a plethora of information I am eagerly absorbing in a bid to try and understand more about the reason my son and I have become so unwell. Have results confirming the terrible air quality within the entire home, with the loft yielding results of 50 THOUSAND spores per swab for Aspergillus. Neither GPs nor Landlord are taking the situation seriously whilst my child and I continue to suffer constant health issues. Forgot what it was like to be healthy and happy, depression and despair are the devils on my shoulders now. My son asks me why no one is helping nearly every day and it breaks my heart. My Landlord's negligence and disregard of the last 12 years continues to make us so unwell. This website gives me hope and I am so grateful for its existence. Thank you for listening.
New member, yet already feel at home.... - Aspergillosis and...
New member, yet already feel at home. Hope lives here and I'm so happy to find it DOES exist.
There are a series of health issues closely associated with damp homes that we follow regularly. The case for asthma and asthma worsening looks quite robust now, also chronic allergies and eczema that can be severe.
There is a strong case for the removal of damp from homes and we are working on options and causes. In the UK we are told of landlords not responding to requests for help or not doing very much at all. At the moment there isn't much we can do except reassure people that they do not have to accept living in a damp home, there are things you can do yourself such as getting an understanding of where the damp comes from.
Growth of a fungus like Aspergillus in a loft suggests poor ventilation, though of course we cannot be sure without looking, and the presence of Aspergillus in dust is not unusual as this mould is present in the air around us all of the time. We struggle with defining what is normal levels of moulds and what is likely to cause health problems as there is wide variability in both the amount we are exposed to and the sensitivity of the person affected, but progress is being made.
I would suggest that if you are unwell sadly the best (quickest) course of action is to leave the home that makes you ill.