Although my husband has passed his fit to fly test and doesn't need oxygen to fly why is it I still too scared to book us a holiday? I have researched and obtained quotes(high) for travel insurance having declared the pneumonia he had at the end of last year and the aspergilosis in the lung and we hope to go to California - so a country where we will not have any language problems. I just would like , and realistically know it's not going to happen would like someone to guarantee he will be fine. All daft thoughts ..... generally he is a load better than he was just tired at times, but he is 63 and works hard, and has a persistent mucus producing cough.
Scary....: Although my husband has... - Aspergillosis and...
Well although just found the lesion and test showed aspergillus antibodies I went to California, Florida and South Africa last year on special once in a lifetime holidays with the extended family and stayed for nearly 3 months in South Africa with family who live there. I probably had all this then. The best thing to ensure you carry medication for most eventualities you can. I always take 3 lots of inhalers - to South Africa it was 6 just incase I spend all the time taking the full doses and also take a course of antibiotics and steroids - check with your Doctor or respiratory nurse or give the BLF helpline a call and see what they recommend. Am sure the holiday will do you both good.
Take care,
Love and hugs
Hi Sian,
Thank you so much . I feel sometimes like I am making a big fuss especially when I read what other people are going through.
We are seeing Dr next week for blood results and will chat with her.
Hope you are doing ok?
Marion😀 xx
I am not too bad at the moment. Bakc on steroids and antib's so little sleep last night. Spent this afternoon at an old neighbours and she has stuffed us full of food so fit to burst. Had to take my ventolin when we got home as felt so puffed and stuffed! Taken herbal nytol at 8 today so hoping tobe asleep by twelve. Will let you all know tomorrow how it went - at this rate may be taking nytol with my tea at 5! If it works what does it matter?