Fighting to Survive : I was recently... - Lung Cancer Support

Lung Cancer Support

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Fighting to Survive

Mikkixox profile image
17 Replies

I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 non small cell lung cancer. I must admit that it is still shocking myself and family and friends. I am 44 years old and I'm just not ready to go anywhere. I am hoping that through this site and all my outside support along with God that I find the strength I need to continue this battle. I just received my 5 radiation treatment and have to go daily for two more weeks. We then move onto chemotherapy. I am still wrapping my head around this and it scares me. Any tips on how to get through this better are welcomed!!

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Mikkixox profile image
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17 Replies
Velatrans profile image

I was diagnosed last June with the same. I am not ready to die but almost did. Stay strong and embrace your new normal. Live each day the way you want it. There are new treatments being discovered every day.


Mikkixox profile image
Mikkixox in reply to Velatrans

Fellow warrior... TY! may you receive the total healing you desire. Many blessings.


Ruthie1950 profile image

I have stage 3B squamous non small cell carcinoma in my left lung. I had 33 radiation treatments and 2 - six day treatments, 3 weeks apart of chemotherapy. I was taking both treatments at the same time. I was diagnosed in September 2015 and began my first round of chemo and radiation on 12/14/15. I took my last treatment on 2/5. It was everyday as well.

I'm going to be totally honest. I handled the radiation well but the strong doses of chemo I was given made me very lethargic and sick. The only side effect I had from the radiation was not being able to swallow anything but soft foods for about a month. There was a lymph node close to the esophagus and the radiation for the node had burned my esophagus.

A month after my last treatment, I started to feel better but I had to make myself get up and start loving again. I am now able to do as much in a day as I was before. I just had my first follow up CT scan and the tumor had shrunk a little more and appears to be in remission at present. Praise the Lord!

I owe my good health to all the prayers that were sent to God for healing on my behalf. I have a very strong faith in the Lord and that is what has carried me this far. I have a wonderful family who supports me and prays constantly for me.

It's okay to cry and to go through a period of sorrow. The truth is we all have a little pity party for ourselves but stay at that party. When it comes, start counting your blessings and think about all those who love and care about you. If you know Christ as your personal savior, you already know He cares for you. Put your faith in Him. In His word (the Bible), He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. I know first hand that His Word and His promises are true.

God bless you on this journey and please keep me updated on your progress.

Steph60 profile image

Take one day at a time, realizing that during this journey you will have high's and low's. I had pity parties for myself when I would cry for about 10 minutes, then I would pull myself out of my pity party and return to my positive attitude that I was going to beat this. Keep up the positive attitude and realize that you have a lot of love and support!!

Jayvicky profile image

I know it can be scared but give it to God I have stage 3lung cancer God put it in remission I am trying to get the CBD oil I know God going to heal me in his time God let us know how to help our self I live I Alabama the cannabinol oil in CBD oil is legal now just need we don't have away to get it so I am trying to find some that live in a state that this meds is legal so they can help me get it to they get everything works out God bless to all just rebuke cancer give it to God

rlccnor profile image

Don't hesitate to ask questions. What treatments are available, genetic testing on the tumor, mutations, second opinions? You have to be your own advocate, is it easy, hell no! I'm about 18 months in, had radiation, took tarceva for a short time until it stopped working, then 6 months of "traditional" chemo, then went to Dana Farber and got into a trial that within a month got FDA approval (tagrisso), now the tumors in my bones,liver, and head are stable, my lung tumor mutated again, so it's getting bigger! Deciding what to do next! Not easy, faith and the help from family and friends are very important! Venting to someone like me are helpful I think, I don't want to make my illness front and center all the time! Best of luck, my prayers are with you, keep in touch if you want to!🙏

Twin60 profile image
Twin60 in reply to rlccnor

You are a warrior. God bless u.

Sue----- profile image

There is only one true love , only God can give us the true piece that only God can give. But remember we are all god's children and we will come through this harable cancer.. It's very challenging and every time I tell my self "ok" that's it God, I'm so tired and weak that death looks a lot better then this. Then I look out side and see so many beautiful colors in the sky the flower and one beautiful man that God give to me. My beautiful husband. So please whole on love. He brings me flowers every two days, just to let me know "I love you and God does too. I'm down to 9 chemo then we will see where we go from here.Good look sweetie The Good Lord Loves You. And Smille.

Mikkixox profile image
Mikkixox in reply to Sue-----

This is my third bout with cancer. First two I had Hodgkin's lymphoma, now... Non small cell lung cancer. I have had your thoughts and felt that dispare. Then.. As you stated... I look at my beautiful Family and beg God for his strength so I may continue to be in their lives!! Keep on keeping on cancer warrior

Waymar profile image

I just finished my first line of chemo, 6 sessions, just fight hard, hang in there and know that you are not alone🙏🏻

Mikkixox profile image
Mikkixox in reply to Waymar

Ty for your support!! I wish the same for you fellow warrior! ❤

beadinmom1 profile image

Lots Love years prayers.

capt521 profile image

Im at stage 4 non smll cell also. Ive exhaused conventional treatments

Now trying a targeted treatment. Never give up the fight

Twin60 profile image
Twin60 in reply to capt521

Praying for u. God bless.

Kcjemm profile image

I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer on July 3rd, 2014 which happened to be the day before my 576th birthday. It had metastasized on my brain. I had to go through radiation on my brain. From there I was fortunate enough to be put on a targeted therapy on my lung. The Dr have me about 9 months. Next month I'm celebrating my 59th on July 4th and in remission at this point. I'm looking forward to having a 60th birthday bash. Don't give up... Pray and keep a good support group around you. If there is one thing I learned is that time is a precious gift. Learn to live each day as if its you last!!

CCblaze profile image

Stay busy- I used to ride my bike after therapy to feel normal and it really helped... be around people who really care for you and wont tell the "i know a friend who died...." take VERY good care of yourself-

Twin60 profile image

Pray, take it a day at a time. I was diagnosed at 44 years old. By the grace of god, I turned 60 this year. God is good. Stay positive. Do what the doctors say to do. Don't forget to pray.

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