I am hoping to get a few hints and maybe a little encouragement from some of you that are older...over 75... about Chronic Fatigue... I've had a severe bout of this several years ago and 'got over it' ...now its come back full force and I feel like The Walking Dead! Going to the Dr tomorrow...mainly for a complete blood panel to rule out 'other' things ... This came on about 6 wks ago, no idea why, but I really want it to GO AWAY!! Any words from some of the elders here would really be appreciated. Also wishing the best to ALL of you on this site. (Thanks!)
Any elderly folks here have CFS - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Any elderly folks here have CFS

Ask them to check your B12 - Folate - Ferritin - VitD. B12 needs to be over 500 - Folate & Ferritin mid range and VitD around 100. Docs often say fine/normal/OK when they mean in range - but it is where you are in the range that is important. The above tests have to be requested as they are not routine.
Also low thyroid can cause fatigue 😊
Any of the above helpful ?
Sorry for not replying sooner...just been sorta out of it...Yes, it turned out to be I was dangerously low in Vit D...clear down to a 14...so now I'm taking the D therapy for it for over a period of 12 weeks...can hardly WAIT to get some energy back... THANK YOU...
Gosh that is seriously low. VitD increases the uptake of calcium from foods so it is a good idea to take VitK2-MK7 to direct calcium away from the arteries and into the bones and teeth. Also Magnesium is an important co-factor that works with VitD in the body. Docs rarely understand nutrition ...
What were your other results for B12 - Folate and Ferritin ?
VitD is fat soluble so should be taken with your fattiest meal. I take a gel capsule containing olive oil to overcome that 😊 Make sure you take a good maintenance once you have finished the loading doses. Docs often prescribe too little.