I'm wondering if anyone has used medical marijuana for their nerve pain? If so, how do you use it.. smoking or eating? How often do you use it and how effective is it??
Medical cannibus : I'm wondering if... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
Medical cannibus

Yes i do, i use a vaporizer with it as smoking with tobacco was one of the contributing factors that caused my neuropathy to begin with. Eating it produces a much stronger body high which might be a bit much for new users i would start with either a small pipe or bong and see how you get on with it. I use it every day and it definately does help with the pain but if blood sugars arent under control its impact will be restricted so exercise and blood sugar control are still the most important steps to prevent extra pain. Good luck
I have peripheral neuropathy on my feet and sometimeson my hands due to spondylolisthesis; i am wondering if medical marijuana can help and how?
I have peripheral neuropathy, it affects many things. I'm trying CBD caps, supplements now for about 3 weeks. 4 a day. So far I don't believe I feel any help. I can say that Gabapentin 900mg to 1500mg a day helped and vitamin B-12 helped.
Hi, thanks for your reply xpflyer. I've thought about trying CBD oils but really don't want to pay for something that didn't work... and I had my doubts. Right now I'm on Percocet and Lyrica three times a day with little relief. I'm interested in the vitamin though. Please tell me how much vit-B12 you're taking and how often. Thanks!
G-pen pro is great you can just crush the plant inside and smoke it without tobacco. I only use it at night because I don't enjoy being high during the day when I have to get stuff done but it definitely helps in the eve. I also bake it into gluten free / sugar free cookies if I know I have a lot of down time it helps immensely or just a couple tokes in a pipe can do the trick too healthcure.org do thc oil if you email them but I haven't had any luck there yet but they come highly recommended
Thanks Chiqihoopini, for that info. I live in a state that passed mm law recently but the dispensaries are not set up yet. I'm not familiar with the item you were mentioning but certainly will look into it. I've smoked before and don't like the feeling of being too high so I imagine that a toke or two will do it. Thanks
No probs I live in Ireland it's just passed here too but not sure how long we'll be waiting for dispensaries either. I hope it helps a little goes a long way medicinally. I also take the 3% cbd oil which isn't psychoactive and if I ever feel too high from mm I take more cbd oil and brings me back down you probably already know it but thought I'd share since we're similar in that being high isn't the goal! Good luck I hope it helps be sure to let us know how you get on
I just got my MM card and am trying a few things . I have wicked neuropathy in both feet - can't sleep , constant .... I currently take 3000 Gabapentin, 60 mg Cymbalta, Tramadol and Klonopin at night. Last night nothing helped plus I had leg and foot Charlie Horses . So... I am trying Indica T27 ( the 27 is THC ) smoke at bedtime and have some tablets and cookies that last longer for sleeping. I run a business ( Sewing !! ) and cannot not want to be high during the day . I need to look into adding the CBD Chiqihoopini ?