Does anyone with fnd suffer with extreme tiredness with fnd ,I'm so tired it's making me feel very poorly ,I've got no energy to do anything my eyes are going very baggy and dark .
Tiredness : Does anyone with fnd suffer... - Functional Neurol...

Hi Littlecook. I’m sorry that your symptoms are making you feel poorly. Are you getting any specialist help from your GPs???
Since my diagnosis in September last year I have been the same as you, Particularly after a seizure. My body aches and I’m exhausted for 2 or 3 days. I have finally had my first appointment with Neuropsychiatry and the list of symptoms was eye opening and they believe with Brain Training and Physio will help to cope better with my day to day pain and tiredness.
I hope you can find someone to help you too. All the best 🙂
Littlecook, I wanted to send a quick note to let you know my fatigue has come back with some vengeance these last few weeks. It’s becoming more of a struggle with getting through the day and still working the full set of hours. Of course everything else is slipping in the land of chores. It’s a tough go of things when it actually makes me want to cry with how tired I feel and then fighting the desire to do absolutely nothing.
I hope you do get to feeling better soon with a new lease on energy!
Hi god yes the simplest thing im nackerd I can't walk any distance im shattered there are days you don't want to get out of bed or you just can't be bothered with anything I don't know why it makes you so tired its nuts im glad im not alone as I've been like what the heck if only done this and that and ive got to lie down sam
Hi to be honest I probably need blood tests to check why I'm so tired, I even use a cpep machine at night but still feel like I've had no sleep. You need to rest when ever you can you know the saying sleep is good for us .
Take care chat soon Kevin
I struggle with extreme fatigue... last year I could say I had 4 better months. which doesn't mean I left home without a wheelchair. The fact that I left was positive. 3 times to the seaside, once to the swimming pool and a few times to the cinema... After one year in bed.. usually I don't have the strength to get out of bed... last year in spring I managed to plant 200 seeds for annual plants in a pot at home. I couldn't look at them every day, so only a few survived... but the garden gives me great satisfaction... I can walk a few meters to the hammock and rest...
My heart goes out to you , it must give you great pleasure when you do manage yo get out and about, the warmer weather will be with us soon so hopefully you can enjoy it in your garden. Look after yourself.