So, I had heard of mirror work for gait symptoms but not so much speech. So check out Max's recovery to speech:
Mirror Magic: So, I had heard of mirror... - Functional Neurol...
Mirror Magic
This is such an inspirational story. I’ve seen Mirror therapy for limbs, but working for the speech is incredible.
When my daughter lost her speech she could speak normally when lying on her right side, but not when upright When her speech goes now, this is her sign to stop everything as she is burnt out.
I’ve also been following Steph Blanco who did a TED Talk on FND and there are quite a few really good YouTube videos by her too.
Do you think that the 'water and salt remedy' for POTs, may be relevant to your daughter? My speech goes into a stutter sometimes, when I go from lying/sitting to upright, but does return to normal quickly ..same happens when I hear speech on a mobile or crackling landline. Nothing as weird as FND!
I am sorry to report ' Mirror Unmagic' .. sometimes when I look in the mirror my face starts spasming, and speech goes into a stutter..been like that for ages. I just thought my psyche didn't like the look of 'FND me' try to avoid the mirror. I wish some reflective researcher would do a bit of work into what happens to FND brains when we look in that mirror!
Hi, I don't think it was a quick fix, it took time and training If you ignored the spasms and concentrated on getting so many words out before stuttering and gradually built up on this, would that work. Or maybe if you think you are about to stutter start to hum or try and sing a few lines of your favourite song, all experimental I know. I think this lady stopped speaking (from recollection).