Always been a bit of a book worm and one of my guilty habits is reading a collosal number of romance novels particularly as there's focus on two characters and predictability of happy endings as its not overwhelming that way.....ive come across one which has a character I can identify with super variable severity of symptoms and it was just so nice to see that, and like ways they still aimed for their goals in spite of disability and supported by others with strategies etc. Author lacy Williams return of the cowboy doctor
Fnd character in romance novel - Functional Neurol...
Fnd character in romance novel
the question is : what do you get from these romance novels ?
It's incredibly calming so better quality sleep, better sensory regulation, particularly combined with electric blanket as part of sensory diet recommended by OT. It sets me up for a good 2hr window of work, or spending time with family at the park. In a sense it fulfills social gap given I can't go to restaurants or cafes with friends anymore. I have a social group of other neurodivergent people I go to once a fortnight and when I can't get there from a flare up it helps to fill that gap. I don't think anyone could argue it's not a good use of time, it's just more the certain self consciousness that comes with not living in a conventional or expected way. Maybe you have an activity that isn't romance novels but something to your favour which does the same thing effectively.
Hi Mattie, I really like your positive attitude and outlook! I just love and expect a Happy Ending 😁❤️