Weight gain , since being diagnosed in December 2020 , I have gained 2stone in weight , no change to eating habits but obviously can’t get about as quick , wondered if it could be anti depressants I’m on ,anybody else experienced weight gain 😣
Weight gain 😣: Weight gain , since... - Functional Neurol...
Weight gain 😣

Can I ask what your on but some anti depressants do put weight on sadly
Since they have said I have fnd I have gained 20 lbs over the last year. No meds because my body doesn’t handle them well and so I won’t take them, and very little appetite that I can keep down. But strength energy and mobility have limited the amount of exercise I am able to get. Before this I was extremely active
So sorry to hear u have gained weight too😣, so frustrating what the effect this disorder can have on daily life 😣
Thank you. I hope you are doing well today
I myself think it is a bit of getting older and a lot of the effects of the medication, I asked my doctor about this and she did say that quite a few medications make you put on weight plus whats going on with you at the present, eg, not being to get around so easily etc, you might have gone to the gym before,or you may have been more active, it stands to reason that we are all going to put on weight unless we have means to exercise etc.
To be honest I’ve never been one for the gym but have always been busy round the house n family , even a shopping trip is hard work now but not giving in , my doc said today the main side effect of the meds I was on was weight gain , bit annoyed as u would of thought with joint pain etc they wouldn’t of prescribed such meds as weight gain defeating the object 🙄