Why can I see a pixelated outline of objects on my TV when other family members cannot? Im presuming they are “real” pixels because they are made up of squares, not just a blur. It’s very noticeable when watching moving objects as the pixelated haze around them interferes with the background. Is it that normal eyes just blank it and my FND eyes are not able to “Unsee” it? Any theories?
Why on TV do I see pixelated outlines... - Functional Neurol...
Why on TV do I see pixelated outlines when others don’t?
have you been checked out by your optician can I ask?
Hi, yes, I had no problems reading the eye chart, I think it’s the fact I know I am seeing the TVs pixels that suprises me. I used to do a lot of digital art, so know what pixels look like, and I feel I am seeing a very poor quality image but my family tell me there is nothing wrong with the image at all! It’s like I’m seeing better than them, not worse!
I do have the same problem but it is not just with the TV,it is with all matter of things.... doors, windows, chairs, everything. Some days worse than others and the pixelling is always in a clear to white colour. I have seen the opthalmologist and the neurologist.... put onto this site!
That’s interesting! You say pixels, are you sure they appear as pixels, are they square? I do see a shimmering around objects, as well as seeing all movements as jerky instead of smooth, but only square pixels when watching tv
Yes I'm sure, pixelling, shimmering, kaleidoscopes, you name it.
I do not quite see what you see on the TV but in my worse moments I cold see the TV upside down and also tries to look out the windows but they where blurred, very frightening, but it is all about the brain. What you are seeing on the TV is your brain playing tricks on you. It is all to do with the FND, brain is miss firing, very scary but if youcan understand what the brain is doing then it is less scary.
The TV upside down! Wow! So your brain was not able to turn the image around? I know we all actually see upside down but our brain corrects this. I bet it made you feel really sick! My vision does!
Have a look at visual auras
I will do, thanks, I know it’s not due to migraines because it’s permanent and I still have my real “normal” migraines where I lose a bit of my vision due to the auras, so this must be caused by something else, I have a lot of vision issues now, including sometimes not seeing what’s right in front of me and seeing any movement as strobe like, made of lots of still images rather than one continuous image moving, like I say these are permanent things it never stops. It’s called akinatopsia
Sounds to me like you are having migraine auras. You can have something called silent migraines where you just get the visual auras. Be warned though, this type of migraine can also cause hemiplegia which I believe is often mistaken by neurologists as FND.
Hi, thanks, the weird thing is I do have migraines with aura and slight vision loss for half a hour or so. I have these quite regularly and as I have these on top of my regular vision problems and can “feel” they are a migraine I can’t see how my vision problems are caused by migraine as I have them permanently with or without migraine.