How has FND impacted your professional lives? For the better or worse.
Has your FND impacted your career? - Functional Neurol...
Has your FND impacted your career?

I was misdiagnosed at first, with either dopa-responsive dystonia or Parkinson's. My symptoms were quite severe, but I could still do my job (I was a technical writer). I had to fight my employer to let me work at home, but I finally managed it. Then they changed my diagnosis to FND - actually they called it conversion disorder - and the neuropsychiatrist insisted that I was "allergic" to my manager, and that that was what was causing my symptoms, and that they should have me report to someone else. At that point, my company pulled the plug on me and I had to file a human rights complaint which my lawyer advised me to give up on because my company was too big and powerful. And I had to sign an NDA to prevent them coming after me. So, on balance, I would say the diagnosis, especially, has impacted me for the worse!
Did you ever follow up with an employment lawyer? That sounds like discrimination. I am dealing with that myself and highly suggest it if you haven't. I am sorry you were treated so poorly.
I was advised by an employment consultant to go the human rights route because I wasn't looking for money, I just wanted my job back. I saw several human rights lawyers who said I should file a complaint. As part of the process, I had to go to mediation before I could request a hearing. At the mediation, the company made it really clear that they would not have me back. Both my lawyer and the mediator advised me to settle (for a paltry amount equivalent to five thousand pounds). They said if it went to a hearing, it would take 2 or more years to get there, and the company could tell all kinds of lies about me which I would have to prove weren't true (I guess they'd seen this all before). The way my company had been treating me up to that point convinced me that they would continue to play dirty. So I gave up because I was turning 60 and had no more fight left in me. If I had been younger, or knew how that was going to turn out, I'd have gone a different route from the beginning and sued them for unfair dismissal. This happened in Canada so it may be a different system in the UK (or wherever you are).
I am in the USA. And yes it does sound like it was very different. I am sorry for your experience
Thanks. I wish you all success. Please let us know how you get on
I sure will. right now I am dealing with lawyers and trying to deal with a symptoms flare-up. It's exhausting, but Im up for the good fight, cause it's the right fight to have.
Good on you. I'm not sorry I stood up to my employer, even though it made my symptoms worse too, temporarily. I gave half my (puny) settlement to legal aid, to help them keep up the good fight too. Please take care of yourself