Please help...: Hi my hubby was... - Functional Neurol...

Functional Neurological Disorder - FND Hope

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Please help...

Gizzy13 profile image
12 Replies

Hi my hubby was diagnosed with FND a few months ago after 2 years of gradually worsening spasms in his right arm and leg. He has brain fog, has developed a stutter and is always tired. Last weekend he took an overdose and is now in a mental health unit as he says he can’t live with the condition any more. Could anyone here help me with anything that you have found that helps with any of these symptoms please. I need to give him hope that some of these symptoms can be improved. Thank you.

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Gizzy13 profile image
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12 Replies

Poor you! My heart goes out to you. This is a terrible situation. I'm sure there are lots of people with tips on what has helped them. For me, osteopathy has been a godsend. I also got a lot of relief for my spasms from a particular brand of magnesium, called Metagenics Fibroplex MagActive. Co Q10 has also been helpful. When I have the energy, swimming has been great. I get the benefits of exercise, but can control the speed, length of time etc. to suit how I am on the day.

I know many other people on this forum have found benefits from Physical Therapy.

There are lots of things he may be able to do. But the best thing you can do for him, you already are doing, and that's believe him, and support him.

Best of of luck.


Gizzy13 profile image
Gizzy13 in reply to

Thank you 🙏 hoping you’re in a good place right now x

Fight4yourright profile image

Sorry to hear this. Have doctors ruled out a sevear vitamin b 12 deficiency? If not it's worth asking about. B12 injections will relieve Brian fog, tierdness /fatigue & maybe spasms. I'm not a doctor so important to ask and learn all you can about the above. There is a very doco on youtube called living in the fog & also on youtube a true story movie call Sally Patchaloch. I've probably spelt it incorrectly but it should still be easy to find. Hope you are looking after yourself . Thoughts are with you. ☺

Gizzy13 profile image
Gizzy13 in reply to Fight4yourright

Thank you for taking the time to reply x

Hi does get migraines this can cause brainfog strutter.

Magnesium spray Holland barrats sleep and muscles spasms sorry that partner felt so low to have to gone this far.

Need to try

level serotonin up brain there ischronic sounds Jason Lewis

Help level serotonin and dolphines need to be leveled keep depression away exersize need try to do little everyday honestly I know it's hard but please don't give up

Brain needs nutrient fish oil b vitamins

Collegen good joints help move better

Sleep chattery minds listen to help sleep really good books eat right blood group

Gut brain connection if guy leaks then struggle mental health difficulties it's worth trying level gut flora up

XXX god luck

Gizzy13 profile image

Thank you for all the tips x

Junebeatle profile image


I’ve had this condition off & on for 11 years. I used to use Indica marijuana to keep the involuntary movements at bay and was able to function at a high level til 2018. For whatever reason it progressed very rapidly after 2 viruses I got in 1 week.

Anyways what helped my brain was transcranial magnetic stimulation (it helped me think well enough to work and reduced the muscle fascillations all over to manageable). It’s high powered magnets that stimulates the brain to fire in a “healthy” pattern. I also had to start Valium last November because mine were so bad I would shake all night and lack of sleep was driving me over the edge. I only use it to sleep.

I found out i’m low in carnitine, so acetyl-l-carnitine helps energy & thinking. I also take COq10 ubiquinol form. I’m trying a plant-based keto diet to see if I can help myself further (only 5 weeks into this)

I would highly recommend the TMS since it sounds like he’s depressed from FND (which the condition can do) It was the real game changer for me. There’s no harm in trying. Only side effect is headaches that get better with treatment & go away once done. Good luck! Tell him there is hope!

Chingona profile image

Keto diet, THC and CBD oil and exercise. In 2017 I was miserably sick, seizures, tremors, pain, nausea, brain fog, confusion, I could barely walk some days, lost my job and ability to drive. Doctors couldn’t help me or even explain what was wrong. Started Keto and oils late 2017 by mid 2018 I was seizure free for six months, got my energy and confidence back and went back to work. I’ve completed three triathlons since then, won first place in the state triathlon in my age group, and completed a couple running and cycling races. I still have some symptoms but they have been minimized significantly ( but if I get off the diet they come back) Please tell your husband that there is hope! Everyone on this forum has faced so many frustrations, confusion, and challenges. We are generally treated poorly by doctors and were left feeling helpless and isolated. But we share ideas and struggles here and help each other. Don’t give up!

Ccaldwell profile image

I am so sorry that he has felt so low. This really sucks for both of you.

I have had symptoms for over 30 years. Sometimes it is worse, and other times it is much better so that I can work.

You can live a full life with FND! I raised 3 boys, - homeschooled one. It wasn't always easy, and I had to give up my concepts of what it meant to be a valuable person. I was never, ever what I 'did'. Not defined by a traditional role.

We are here on purpose. We are meant to teach something to the world about tolerance, compassion, empathy, courage, and so much more.

What has helped is avoiding food sensitivities, Naturopathic Medicine, Alpha -Stim machine. Hands-on therapies like massage, Reiko, chiropractor. Exercises like Aquafit and Yoga.

CDOX profile image

Hi. So sorry to hear that. It can just as hard for families as for the sufferer so please do take care of yourself and make sure you have people around who can care for you.

I a man in my late 40s & I have previously posted how incredibly helpful cranial osteopathy has been for me. I go into a treatment session finding it hard to move or speak and with a distorted face and then come out feeling so much better. It is not a 100% cure as I do still have relapses but I can go for a year or more feeling well & being completely symptom free. It is important to find the right practitioner but I can recommend some people in the UK, France & India. Cost is around £70/treatment in the UK. My previous post on this contains a little more info:

One final thing to say is that I believe there is always hope for your husband in Jesus. Even at the very lowest point when I didn't know that I would ever get better, I was able to know a peace and a hope in God who has known suffering. "Because I live, you also will live" John 14:19. That really is a hope that never fails.

I'll be praying for you both.

Dave_1 profile image

FND is as different in its presentation as the people who have it. What works for one may not for another. The replies that have already been put forward show that we can get some ease from everything from exercise to herbal remedies to talking therepies and mindfulness.

I can only speak for myself but I was at my worst when prescribed high dose antidepressants and anxiety medication. People with FND seem to be more sensitive to the world around them and for me this includes medication. Thankfully I had a good GP who weaned me down to lower doses which helped me think. Cleared a lot of "Mind fog".

Your Husband is in a place of safety and am sure getting help he badly needs but try to make the staff aware that FND is NOT JUST SOMETHING IN YOUR HEAD" it is real. Ask them to view the usual sites FND Hope etc. Or print some information out and put it in their hand, Awareness is a priority andyour Husband accepting his diagnosis very important. This doesn't mean he cannot have other complaints or illnesses, we are human and coping with FND will give us depression and feelings of hopefulness. For that we need specialist help. Just being there for him when he needs it is so important. I think the medical profession underestimate the pressure on carers and partners in fact all those who are around the individual.

One last point, you must also focus on your own wellbeing. Time for you so that when he comes home you feel you can cope. Maybe find a local community support group that you can turm to when times are tough.

I wish you and yours well for the future.

Take care.

M3rry profile image

Sounds like this is hitting you both (and all other loved ones) very hard.

I am less than a year from diagnosis and cannot really say what helps outside of the changes I made due to Fibromyalgia. (Learning to listen to your body and pace yourself is mandatory for both conditions.)

All I can offer is: Hugs and Best Wishes.

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