Does anyone take diazepam for FND? It is the only way I can function at the moment.....
Diazepam for FND : Does anyone take... - Functional Neurol...
Diazepam for FND
Yes, nightly for 10 months now...I also used transcanial magnetic stimulation which helped a bit I just have random muscle twitching and most evenings burning pain up & down my legs.
Before this Indica marijuana worked for 10 years beautifully and I was able to work, go to grad school, raise 3 kids.
I’m also testing a plant-based ketogenic diet to see if I can manage the remaining symptoms as they are finding it’s linked to excessive glutamates and this diet can balance glutamates in the brain. I’ve only been on it since September 7th, so I’ll update in 3 months if it helps. I know theirs another FND survivor that said it helped tremendously!
I take lorazapam at night for tremors. I have to take before bed as it knocks me flat. Would not be able to function at all during the day if I took in the am
Find another medication or natural remedy like True Calm. True Calm calms down the nervous system which can be bought on Amazon. I use this for symptoms as needed. Diazepam is highly addictive and it is hard to get due to how it can be abused like pain meds. I am surprised a doctor will prescribe this long term for daily use.
I do have some diazepam for seizures to calm them down or they can last for hours or days which means a hospital visit.