So my doctor send I will be in a wheelchair temporarily but we don’t know how many months temporarily or if it will come permanent. Just wondering how many out there use a wheelchair??
Wheelchair question : So my doctor send... - Functional Neurol...
Wheelchair question

I am permanently in a wheelchair which is better than using a walker.
Was in wheel chair for a while i found I was capable of using one of the push chairs with seat etc now with hard work have progressed to getting around in leg braces but please try and keep as active as possible big respect mat
hi there im having to use my wheelchair alot more these days.
but i always take my stick with me so if i feel i can do a little walk i can do so
best wishes
hi hope is as well as can be no I'm not in a wheelchair been advised to start using a chair has my legs are very weak and keep going on me which means having more falls I use two crutches which I still find such a struggle to use these as some days I can not even hold myself up x clairex
Truthfully there are a number of FND sufferers who use their chairs on a regular basis.
Be as proactive as possible to strengthen your core and leg muscles. There are many wheelchair exercises available. The biggest risk is if you believe that you will never be back on your feet. You have seen those with the after effects of a stroke who with determined focus retrain the brain and the system to become as independent as possible. YOU CAN DO THIS. It may not be easy but stick at it.
Take care and I wish you well.
hi there I have been using a wheelchair for outside if I have to walk any more than a short distance, I would have to use a buggy if going round Tesco, in doors depending what sort of day I am having I have a rollator which is a walking frame on wheels.
I have been like this for a good couple of years or more and seem to be getting worse, I have new appt with a neurologist in Jan to see if I have developed MS although based on my past experience I don't hold out much hope, I am only having this appt to please my wife who is very concerned of my condition getting much worse.
anyway I hope this helps.
Thank you and I hope all goes well with your appointment! Im kinda at a point where using a walker is exhausting and something I can’t do for long distances.
That was when I got my wheelchair and it’s a godsend to my independent living... ask your dr... it’s never a bad thing to help yourself as much as possible
Hi there! I am currently debating on if a chair would benefit me. I have a post on it, if you could check that out, that would be amazing! Thanks!
Hi, my partner brought me a wheelchair last weekend so he can take me out. I can walk short distance with a walking stick. Couldn't have a push one as I have lost use of my left arm. It was bitter sweet as I was excited to be able to get out but saddened by the need of it. I was diagnosed about 3/ 4 weeks ago. Speech has gone and have to concentrate to swallow.
Some days are worse than others. People keep saying it will get better. I cling to that xx
Like the way you are thinking about being in a wheelchair!
I have been suffering with FND for over 2 years now. I use a wheelchair for any distance outside. On good days can manage short distances indoors with 4 wheeled Rollator frame but on bad days use wheelchair inside. I suffer from leg weakness, fatigue, bladder, bowel and vomiting problems. I am PEJ feed and have all my fluids down my feeding tube. Am manageing small amounts of solid foods orally but can't keep liquid down at all. Having my wheelchair allows me to go out (with assistance), reduce pain, reduce fatigue and to function the best I can on a daily basis.
I was in a wheelchair but slowly there has been a little progress. Please do not give up (even though at times you would like too). The pain in my head and lots of other symptoms are exhausting but stay positive and remember you are not alone we are there with you.
I am unsteady on my feet but I try to walk a little. My head wants to go one way but I go the other way. My legs are like uncoordinated jelly. Maybe a walking stick for support might be advisable.
I use one as needed, I have a motorized one and a regular push one, I have “flares” that make walking any distance dangerous to myself and bystanders as well as small dogs and some shrubs... consider it an appliance that will help you safely traverse thru your surroundings. The landscaping people and all the little dogs will thank you.
I try to have the same attitude as the7thchakra... I see it as a positive tool to be able to save energy for the things I really want to do with my family and kids. There's a lot of negative...use it, or lose it....type of attitude that you come up against, but it wasn't until I needed to use my wheelchair increasingly full time that I realised what a difference it was having on my day to day health! I am no longer struggling to push myself to walk, and so I can do everything else (including continuing to work) now much better. Been in it two years now and I am a much more positive person too as a result as I feel less ill all the time, so everything is less of a struggle