hi does anyone else get severe headaches with this condition x
fnd stroke like symptoms: hi does... - Functional Neurol...
fnd stroke like symptoms

A common symptom. but also one to discuss with your doctor. Maybe take a look at neurosymptoms.org and www,fndhope.org
You can join our discussion and support Facebook group via the FNDHope homepage.
Hi I'm waiting for the pain clinic as I'm on the maximum gabapentan and 3 fluoxitine and paracetamol and it's not easing the pain x
yes I do my heads feel is being swashed like a melon and then other times it's lie hot needles or numbness. headaches are horrid. wish you better. merry Christmas all the best for 2016 xxxx Jill
I get awful headaches but I suffered from chronic headaches all the time before my other symptoms appeared so I've never associated them with my FND. I also suffer from terrible migraines, they were all controlled with amitriptylene and tramadol but have recently made a comeback so have appointment to see GP.
Hi Carol!
I get bad headaches with my FND.
It's like someone dragging the back
of your head and pulling.
It's a heavy feeling.
It comes and goes and it's like
a burning feeling.
My husband massages my head because his body signals help when he places his hands there.
It's to do with your body recognising new signals and it may help you.
Good luck and happy X Mass!
Kim xx
What's your blood pressure during the times you are experiencing headaches? I've had countless "massive" headaches so bad that I was concerned that I was going to have a stroke. My blood pressure would soar straight up, easily to 250/195 in under 20 "seconds" (elevate 100 to 140+ points). I can't begin to tell you how much I have suffered for years like this! Please let me know about your blood pressure, for my comparison too. Thanks.
hi my bp is always fine
Yes I do,I also get it down the back of my neak too. X
Never used too. But starting too. Not sure if it's directly related though. I've just recently upped my pain Meds which are morphine based and it always gives me morphine migraine in the beginning and another thing is I seem to not feel the heat (opposite to how I normally was) so I think I got heat stroke the other day.
I have headaches with this, also more of a headache on the right side, temple area. Also right side of face aches. My entire right side is much worse as far as pain, stiffness, muscle spasm, aching, crawling sensation and more.
The scope of this disorder and the multiple symptoms are daunting!
I am getting severe headaches with cognitive problems..confusion and more brain -freeze. This started about a week and half ago. More visual disturbances too.