Does anyone find their sleep is disrupted by tremors or involuntary movements?
Sleep: Does anyone find their sleep is... - Functional Neurol...
I occasionally get involuntary movements at night that wake me. They used to be much worse. I was put on 0.5mg of clonazepam which I take before bed, this has helped a lot.
Hi there!
Yes I've experienced it and still do.
I can suddenly jump and my leg
can go into Spasm.
It stops as quickly as it starts.
Have your spouse massage your
leg because their body signals can
help with this apparently.
My Husband does it and it works.
Something about your body recognising new signals is what a Paramedic told my Husband.
I also have my foot twisting
and locking.
Hope this helps.
Best Wishes!
Kim xx
I have had seizures in my sleep. The doctor now thinks it may have been caused by low cortisol. But nothing definitive.
Thanks all for the responses, nice to finally have some people to relate to. I had a football injury a years ago and causing bruising to the brain. Was fine and fit and playing again, but a few years later i collapsed and started having fits and seizures. Eventually diagnosed with FND, it has been around 3 years now for me. Everynight i take a sleeping tablet and muscle relaxants, otherwise my sleep is always disrupted. I am due for an inpatient stay in hospital, has anybody heard if electro pulse therapy works?
I have quite a few issues with the movements at night. I never know what my night is going to be like. When I get into bed, I usually start jeking as I lay down, then it eventually calms down, but in the middle of the night my body decides it is exercise time, and the lower half of my body will go one way and the upper half twists and spasms the other way, along with backbends. And the muscles will stay there for several min until I can finally relax until the next one. It really disrupts my sleep, and I wake-up in the morning in a lot of pain. Not fun.
I did but they just keep upping my clonazapan which is brill. When I 1st get in bed and get up are the worse times day for me. Although can she during day if over tired
Yes, My sleep has been disturbed for the entire 6 plus years that I have been dealing with this disorder. I wake up chocking due to swallowing problems, have painful muscle spasms/tremors in my legs, bladder spasms, cold and crawling sensations in my right leg aching in my right arm..
I have muscle spasms in legs and bladder spasms. All painful I wake up 3 -4 times every night. Also wake up feeling like i have had no rest.
Hi. I was just looking online if people with FND can have movements during sleep and found this post. This is what I’m dealing with but I’m not yet diagnosed. I will be having an ambulatory video EEG on Friday until Monday. Kind of nervous and trying to prepare myself for it.