I wonder if anyone is able to help me, my dd has a diagnosis of FND she became unwell at age 16 she is now 20, she is in a wheelchair and tube fed as she has gastroparesis as well as a indwelling catheter as she has urine retention without it, she also does not know until she feels something that she has opened her bowels. She has osteoporosis due to malnutrition c/o her gastric problem, she has nerve and spasm pain everyday and unless I can take her out is house and bed bound.
So that is a little, very little, about my daughter we live in the Sidcup area and I am wondering if there is anyone nearby that she could be friend as I said she is 20 and I worry about her.
FND is such an awful thing to be labelled with and I wish you all a good and as pain free day as possible.
I am now training to be a counsellor to specialise in working with charities that deal with people with long term health problems.