I meant to include this article, a 24 Nov 2023 news release on Terbium-161, in a followup reply to Marnie's post of the Dr. Morgan interview by the excellent PeterMac team several days back.
Three big challenges in metastatic prostate cancer | Dr Alicia Morgans
In the interview it was obvious Dr. Morgans was enthusiastic about the early results from the clinical trial on Terbium-161 now underway in AU. She even referred to it's impact on the destruction of cancer cells as having been described being "like a firecracker in the cell". (Her comments are at around 35:30 in the podcast.) I say bring on the firecrackers, "tin cans", and "cherry bombs" . . . I'll take one of each.
Here is the link to the EurekAlert! article:
Terbium-161: new radionuclide for targeted cancer therapy hits the clinic: Highly targeted cancer treatment has the potential to eliminate ultra-small cancer lesions that cause disease recurrence, Business Announcement, Paul Scherrer Institute, News Release 24-Nov-2023
As Don Pescado repeatedly reminds us, "The Science is Coming".
While we impatiently wait, Let's all try to Stay S&W,
Ciao - cujoe