interesting article
just about repurposing in general - Fight Prostate Ca...
just about repurposing in general
Saves money, saves time.... hopefully, this strategy will move forward quickly, but even with Phase I eliminated, it still takes 3-12 years... this is still too long, IMHO...
But, the chance to have a selection of meds that could be added into SOC to help delay progression makes it so valuable... we need more than AR drugs... sooner than later...
Don Pescado
Max - Thanks for another fine overview article on drug repurposing. As you so loudly proclaim here and elsewhere, we are missing out on access to an enormous pool of drugs with proven safety profiles (and potential PCa efficacy) that is essentially sitting in-wait to be used - with patients dying while we do the waiting.
The biggest problem for us is finding a source for an off-label script. I don't imagine any doc at a cancer center or major medical practice is going to step out on that medical malpractice ledge. However, a naturopathic MD might go there - when provided with adequate research as support - and maybe a written hold-harmless letter from the patient, as well.
As the late college basketball coach, "Jimmy V", was known to say in reference to his cancer journey: "Never give up. Don't ever give up!"
Stay S&W, Ciao - cujoe