Hopefully it will be a good synergy!
Sinergies: Every Cure and BioPhy laun... - Fight Prostate Ca...
Sinergies: Every Cure and BioPhy launch partnership on drug repurposing
Very kool !! I like it when we collaborate like that
Max - An interesting collaboration that, at least in theory, leverages the strengths of both enterprises. AI definitely has the ability to go deep in seeking to connect the dots on repurposing drugs. However, the stumbling blocks of FDA approvals sans clinical trials and/or adoption of potential treatment avenues outside of SOC without regulatory approval will remain. Big pharma will surely resist for drugs off patent and/or tweak their molecular structure and call it a new drug with a big price tag. A good example is what happened when Avastin was compounded and used to control "wet" macular degeneration - an off-label use.
This article from 2016 about the use of Avastin for WMD gives a good overview of the problems with the system of drug approval and pricing for repurposed drugs - as it currently exists:
Saving billions of dollars in health care: The story of Avastin and Lucentis, Peter Ubel, MD, July 17, 2016
Thanks for the post(s) - Keep 'em coming,
Be Well - Ciao - cujoe
Thanks for posting...
In these days of high cost meds to treat our disease, the concept of repurposing drugs can provide a less costly way to deal with PCa, or enhance treatment for those with resistance, or be used by those on "medication vacation" to prolong their vacation, and still treat PCa...
I liked this line especially...
Over the past 27 months, BioPhy’s technology has accurately predicted the outcomes of over 2,000 clinical trials with an 80% success rate....
I would guess that with that type of success rate, we should get some alternative treatment options with a fairly high chance of efficacy very soon...
All the best,
I am hoping for that with all myself! American Medical Association (well, not them only) admit that medical knowledge doubles every 72 days...so....
Dangerous Dave - Where you been, Bro'? No matter, good to see you back in the flow.
You picked up on one of the major things I saw in this collaboration; i..e., the ability to be predictive about the success of clinical trial research. With a better prediction tool, pharma should be more likely to take on trials they might not have otherwise considered.
Hope all is well and on a very even keel with you and the clan,
Stay Well - Ciao, CJ