i take pterostilbene daily which pinostilbene is a metabolite of pterostilbene.
in any event if you are failing on enzalutamide or any PCa warrior you probably should take pterostilbene.
Below is a 2023 in-depth article
Pinostilbene inhibits full-length and splice variant of androgen receptor in prostate cancer
“We tested whether pinostilbene can also affect expression of the ARv7 protein. Enzalutamide did not affect the protein or mRNA level of ARv7 in 22Rv1 (Fig. 5C and Supplementary Fig. 2D). With pinostilbene treatment, the expression of ARv7 decreased in a concentration-dependent manner in the 22Rv1 cell (Fig. 5C). Pinostilbene also decreased the mRNA expression of ARv7 (Fig. 5D). However, as shown in the full-length AR, the failure of ARv7 to be rescued when treated with MG132 shows that pinostilbene does not affect the protein stability of AR (Supplementary Fig. 3B). This suggests that pinostilbene has additional inhibitory effects on AR variant-dependent tumors such as Enz-resistant CRPC.“
Dietary pterostilbene for MTA1-targeted interception in high-risk premalignant prostate cancer
In conclusion, although the exact molecular mechanisms connecting MTA1 to epigenetic alterations, such as histone hypoacetylation leading to neoplasia, remain to be elucidated (57), the role of MTA1 per se as a prospective interceptive target for pterostilbene is undeniable. Pterostilbene, which is recognized as a potent anticancer agent (58) and exhibits good tolerability and no toxicity in humans when used in a dose up to 250 mg/day (34), should be urgently validated for clinical relevance in blocking prostate cancer progression in active surveillance subpopulation of patients.
Dietary stilbenes as modulators of specific miRNAs in prostate cancer
“In this review, we highlight the potential of metastasis-associated protein 1 (MTA1)-targeted anticancer and antitumor effects of three dietary stilbenes, namely resveratrol, pterostilbene, and gnetin C, for prostate cancer management. MTA1, an epigenetic reader and master transcriptional regulator, plays a key role in all stages of prostate cancer progression and metastasis. Stilbenes inhibit MTA1 expression, disrupt the MTA1/histone deacetylase complex, modulate MTA1-associated Epi-miRNAs and reduce MTA1-dependent inflammation, cell survival, and metastasis in prostate cancer in vitro and in vivo. Overall, the MTA1-targeted strategies involving dietary stilbenes may be valuable for effective chemoprevention in selected subpopulations of early stage prostate cancer patients and for combinatorial strategies with conventional chemotherapeutic drugs against advanced metastatic prostate cancer.“