New study [1].
Population: 117,673 participants from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial cohort study.
"By diet group, there were 116,894 omnivores (whose diet does not exclude animal products), 329 lacto- and/or ovo-vegetarians (whose diet excludes meat, but includes dairy and/or eggs), 310 pesco-vegetarians (whose diet excludes meat except for fish and seafood) and 140 vegans (whose diet excludes all animal products)."
"After an average follow-up of 18 years, 39,763 participants were deceased."
All-cause mortality risk compared to the omnivore group:
19% less for the pesco-vegetarian group
1% less for the lacto- and/or ovo-vegetarian group
27% greater for the vegan group.
I would have liked to see the vegan group split into low/high fat.