New study from China below [1].
Note: "MetS" = Metabolic Syndrome; "mPCA" = metastatic PCa.
"190 patients diagnosed with mPCA by pathology and imaging from January 2010 to August 2021 ... including 111 cases in the MetS group and 79 cases in the Non-MetS group."
"Those with mPCA combined with MetS had ... more aggressive tumors, shorter time to progression to CRPC and shorter median survival times than those with mPCA without MetS."
Note: "Metabolic syndrome is a clustering of at least three of the following five medical conditions: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high serum triglycerides, and low serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL)." [2]
IMO, "abdominal obesity" is a surrogate for visceral fat.
I would replace "high blood sugar" with insulin resistance. {The triglycerides:HDL-C ratio is a surrogate for insulin resistance.}
ADT worsens MetS symptoms.
IMO, there is a strong case for Metformin while on ADT.
New study from Spain [3].
"Men with obesity tend to be insulin resistant and often have low-normal testosterone concentrations."
"We did a 1-year, parallel, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, where we evaluated the independent and combined effects of metformin and testosterone in 106 men with obesity"
"the {insulin resistance} index decreased significantly in all active groups compared to placebo"
"No significant changes in body composition (except for a higher decrease in fat mass in the metformin and combination group)"
Old mouse study from the Netherlands [4]:
"Metformin lowers plasma triglycerides"