Has anyone pursued integrative care for their prostate cancer? Traditional western medicine
along with diet, exercise, and meditation.
Has anyone pursued integrative care for their prostate cancer? Traditional western medicine
along with diet, exercise, and meditation.
Thanks for posting...
I think most people on these forums practice some form of this... certainly parts of it... Let's not forget that many of these have been found helpful for overall health.... decreasing cardiac risks which does in more people than prostate cancer...
Don Pescado
witantric - Don Pescado's reply reflects the mainstream of longer-term PCa patients here at FPC. A more specific question would be helpful and should elicit more responses.
Stay Safe & Well, Ciao - K9
Hi witantiric,
You might find Tim Baker's strategy in the podcast 'Patting the Shark' of interest. I posted it earlier this week and you can find the link if you go further down through the posts. You can scroll towards the end of the podcast, that is if you don't find the other content of interest, to where he explains what has helped him. Though the podcast is well worth the time.
On Tim's website too you'll find links with more details re medication, diet, exercise and meditation. He uses an acronym but I can't quite recall what it is and a bit time poor to search for you. These days from Tim's Twitter account I think he's presently on a break from ADT.