"Researchers reached that conclusion by studying the eating habits of 36,000 men, aged between 40 and 79, over the course of 13 years. They found that eating mushrooms three times a week reduced the risk of prostate cancer by 17 per cent, while men who ate mushrooms once or twice a week were able to reduce their risk by eight per cent."
Eat mushrooms 3 time a week -- new Ja... - Fight Prostate Ca...
Eat mushrooms 3 time a week -- new Japanese study

"the study's lead author, Shu Zhang, notes, men who eat mushrooms regularly tend to be older, spend more time walking, have a higher intake of meat, vegetables, fruit and dairy products and are "less likely to be current smokers". All of which contribute to reducing the risk of contracting prostate cancer."
Huh? Higher intake of meat and dairy reduces prostate cancer risk?
I do like some mushrooms tomatoes and onions in my omelet...with tumeric, black pepper, and Italian seasoning... yum...
Thanks. Not sure how it works for those of us who have PC but I have mushrooms twice a week may need to up it which wouldn’t be a problem because they are delicious. I also take an astralogus root supplement on a daily basis
Im an avid mushroom forager and make plenty of medicines from wild mushrooms.The latest one i use on a regular basis is Agaricus bisporis (White button mushroom) i have to buy, and add the powder to my instant pot with ny red kidney beans or lentils etc.
Like all mushrooms they need to be cooked and most of the medicinal value is in the water extract so don’t throw the water away as thats the medicine.
I could go on and on about this subject but,,,
Oh if your interested in learning about mushrooms for foraging and health and how to videos look up learnyourland on YouTube Adam Harriton
White button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) disrupts androgen receptor signaling in human prostate cancer cells and patient-derived xenograft
White button mushroom (WBM) (Agaricus bisporus) is a potential prostate cancer (PCa) chemo-preventative and therapeutic agent. Our clinical phase І trial of WBM powder in patients with biochemically recurrent PCa indicated that WBM intake reduced the circulating levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). We hypothesized that WBM exerts its effects on PCa through the androgen receptor (AR) signaling axis. Therefore, we conducted a reverse translational study with androgen-dependent PCa cell lines (LNCaP and VCaP) and patient-derived-xenografts (PDX) from a prostate tumor (TM00298). In both LNCaP and VCaP cells, western blots and qRT-PCR assays indicated that WBM extract (6-30 mg/mL) suppressed DHT-induced PSA expression and cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner.
KocoPr,I didn't know white button mushrooms were an AR inhibitor and taste good in my omelet. Gotta up my mushroom intake.
You still have to cook it as it is not extracted.The medicinal value is from the glucans locked up in chitin so you need to boil it good. Oh and you drink the mushrooms to get the medicinal, and nutrition out of it.
Interesting stuff. So... what about the supplement capsules like the ORIVeDA or Host Defense (Stamets) ? Are they processed correctly? Do they have the bioactive glucans and other benefits?
Sorry, kayaking/camping haven’t looked into ORIVeDA. Oh i sure Stamets has the glucans and processed correctly. I’ll send you some links and info when i get back home.
Nice photo. Sea kayaking on a calm day is very therapeutic... and certainly beats sitting at a computer. We are in Maine and my wife will kayak almost every morning for her nature fix, unless it is windy. Let me know if you're up this way. Portland area or Southwest Harbor and we'll show you around.
I haven’t checked out ORIVeDA, but I will.I used to buy Paul Stamets products and I know he is the god father of mushrooms and has plenty of research and to me he is justifying using mycelium grown on grain and i decided to go with the fruiting bodies.
That being sai i buy my from “real mushrooms”. Pics
I recall seeing something about mushrooms and psa recurrence, resulting in some reduction, some info here doi.org/10.1016/j.jnutbio.2... I try and eat mushrooms or a powder daily
I would say the best way to put it is drink your mushrooms