This is my first time just been told I have prostrate cancer have been offered tablets and four weeks radiotherapy and tablets for two years any positive information on this please
Information : This is my first time... - Fight Prostate Ca...
Sounds like you caught this at an earlier stage than I did.Thats the most important thing..I say go,holistic withyour habits.. Do everything natural to elevate you immune system,and by all means cut out all processed sugar.Imthink you will stay ahead of it.Its actually our own body fighting don't fight yourself ,fix you system that allowed this to form inside.Google "shen's story"It From the book Radical Remissions..Inspirational and informing you what you should don't to change you life to beat this thing.You can drive yourself nuts with all of the info &home remedies.One guy drank fresh carrot juice until he turned orange and he says cancer free.That to me seams like it is too much sugar.he said it worked for him.So if you do good to your body now, you will benifit.I wouldn't hesitate on nutrition.
Non of this is nice...What stage? I'm one for trying every means to health kick this thing in the ass! You don't have the most advanced form,be thankful for that.But the nature of this beast for men is incideous.You can get rid of holistically I believe is your best shot to prevail .So do good thing s to yourself and don't give into negative people.Thats a key to better outcomes. So much of this is emotions and phycolgical because your hormones( testasterone) will be stripped.Stop all refined sugar , that's another key.Be your own doc. In a sense. A wealth of info online ,but who do you follow.Anything you can ask can be answered here by others who have been exactly where you are.Try to keep a sense of humor...don't fight letting your male ego?Best wishes!