My husband is in lots of pain is it normal ? As he is on prostap injection once every three month due his radio in January ... Is anyone else in pain with lower back legs ?? Thanks Julie x
Pain :-(: My husband is in lots of pain... - Fight Prostate Ca...
Pain :-(

Yes Julie it is common and one has to settle for good pain relief, please speak with your local hospice/doctor. It will take time to achieve a level playing field. I wish you both good luck and that you find some relief from your suffering.
Sorry to hear your husband is in pain. The best thing to do is see your GP or get in touch with your consultant/oncologist to get something to tackle the pain. I don't know if your hubby manages too keep moving but it is quite important to keep moving and exercising as the hormone therapy does affect muscle mass so he will tend to get weaker anyway so exercising is a must. Exercising will also help with the tiredness he will experience too. I am still managing to get to the gym 3/4 times a week and try to keep up with my usual gym routine but just walking for half an hour 3 or 4 times a week will help too.
Des X
Yes thank you it's tough isn't it xxx
Hi Julie
Everyone is different and what is normal for one person is not necessarily normal for another. If your husband is experiencing pain, then he should go to his GP and have a proper regime of pain killeres. There is no need to have pain like that, it can be controlled.
Hi Julie, my husband had his prostate removed last may and had radiotherapy in Oct, he's not on any hormone treatment but he is the same with back and hip pain, apparently the only thing doctors adviceis pain relief but I do think it's seems common the pain goes with the prostate problems.
All the best, my husband is 61 xx
I am having pain in my hips and knee joints, spoke to Doctor, says it is side effects of zoladex implant, which I have every 12 weeks, have had this implant since Nov 2014,not that bad yet, just take a couple of Paracetemol, stairs give me problems