I'm working on a long post (maybe a series) about the relationship between cholesterol and PCa. With the recurring suggestion that PCa patients should consider adding a statin drug to their treatment plan, this BBC article might give some of you reason for pause.
" . . . Over the years, Golomb has collected reports from patients across the United States – tales of broken marriages, destroyed careers, and a surprising number of men who have come unnervingly close to murdering their wives. In almost every case, the symptoms began when they started taking statins, then promptly returned to normal when they stopped; one man repeated this cycle five times before he realised what was going on."
It also explores the long-term use of acetaminophen (paracetamol in the UK)
"The results revealed that paracetamol (acetaminophen) significantly reduces our ability to feel positive empathy – a result with implications for how the drug is shaping the social relationships of millions of people every day. Though the experiment didn’t look at negative empathy – where we experience and relate to other people’s pain – Mischkowski suspects that this would also be more difficult to summon after taking the drug."
What is apparent in all research on statins and PCa that I have seen so far is that they compare patients who obviously had high cholesterol and were prescribed statins to a population who are on a SAD and also consume animal products that add large amounts of "external" cholesterol to their metabolism. Since cholesterol is a major player in PCa and most other cancers, the question remains, "Are statins responsible for the observed benefits or is it the reduction in overall cholesterol?". Seems it may yet be another case of correlation not proven to = causation. I will not be convinced until I see a trial that compares vegans to SAD+statins. (I'm not going to be holding my breath while I wait for that one.)
Have Good Weekend & Be Well - Captain K9
PS Here in my hometown in Eastern NC, I saw a cherry tree blooming today. Projected temps for next six days is for 70s!