Hi, I am new to this community. I would like to know what is JAK2 Negative polycythemia? Why is bone marrow biopsy needed? Is the bone marrow biopsy a terribly painful procedure? Appreciate helpful feedback pls. Thanks.
Need info - JAK2 Negative but elevated rbc, elev... - Fight MPN
Need info - JAK2 Negative but elevated rbc, elevated hematocrit and hemoglobin. Why is bone marrow biopsy needed?

BMB will give you and definite answer of your diagnosis as to if you have PV or secondary Polycythemia
Hi, sincere thanks for your helpful feedback. Will be hvg to go thru the BMB on 4 April. Never been thru the procedure before - hope its not too terribly painful. I do appreciate your sharing of info that you provided.
Does your doctor sedate for a bmb. I wasn't sedated and it wasn't bad. They say it depends on the person who does it. Some are better at it then others. Good luck
Greetings to you - yes, I will be sedated. Requested for it as I had previous spinal nerve block procedure (traumatic) when I was awake - that caused my high blood pressure to worsen.
Good to hear you are having sedation. I have had shots in the spine also for back pain and can relate with hard it is to do. They say it takes longer to sedate you than the procedure aren't the ones laying there and getting it done. Hope all goes well for you
Polycymethia Vera, (PV)is the main suspect for an elevated RBC count. PV can be caused by the JAK2 gene turning on for some reason, that is the JAK2 Positive you see mentioned on this forum and other places. There is also another cause for PV and that is your kidneys start over producing the enzyme that triggers RBC production. Another reason that you can have a high RBC count are issues with your spleen. Your spleen removes old blood cells.
I'm JAK2 Positive so did not have the bone marrow biopsy. All the BMB would do is confirm the genetic test. The BMB will tell for sure if you have PV for some other non-genetic reason. The BMB will look for scarring of the bone marrow. Blood cell production occurs in the bone marrow and mostly from your hip and pelvis bones.
Sounds like the BMB maybe the only way to rule out PV.
Good luck! and keep asking questions.
Thank you for your kind feedback & helpful response. Will be hvg to go thru bone marrow biopsy on 4 April. I am appreciative of your info & clarification that you provided.