Gp thinks i have this!? Is thus triggered or realised eith fibromyalgia?
Spondylitis: Gp thinks i have this!? Is... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
it’s well known, that some people with fm get this, there are different types, mine started in my early twenties, just got worse over the years, but there is a operation that can be had, I have been on the surgeons list for years, I just can’t get passed the mri, as so claustrophobic.
yes, I have Fm and was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis about a year after.
Have not had an operation for this ( although 2 Operations on my spine)
I am on quite a few meds including Biological Therapy ( 2 injections a week) which help a lot. This does not remove the pain completely but does help to manage it.
Good luck and I hope you get the treatment you need very soon.
In my experience it is usually the other way round, getting an autoimmune condition can trigger fibromyalgia. My friend has lupus, which causes various types of arthritis, AS being one of them. Lupus leads to many conditions but it seems the onslaught to the body seems to trigger FM.
Yes I have this listed on my long list of diagnoses.