GP is not listening. : I have been... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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GP is not listening.

FedUpRedHead profile image
10 Replies

I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia for 5 years since I was 18. I have been having new symptoms that seem to be different to my previous fibromyalgia symptoms. I have received advice from lots of people and have been told that it sounds like arthritis or Ankylosing Spondylitis. I asked my GP about this and voiced my concerns. He refused to do an x-ray to investigate as I shouldn’t be exposed to radiation for no reason and then said “maybe all of this is in your head”

I’m worried we are missing something more serious. My pain is worse when not active and worst in the morning. My pain is mainly in my lower back and spreads to my bum but not down my leg. I have general pain everywhere and extreme fatigue. Any advice would be greatly appreciated don’t know where to turn.

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FedUpRedHead profile image
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10 Replies
spider555 profile image

Have you been to a rheumatologist ?

FedUpRedHead profile image
FedUpRedHead in reply to spider555

I have twice. One said that it was fibromyalgia and sent me on my way. The other said I was hyper mobile and sent me on my way with a diagnosis my GP disagreed with who told me I was not. I’ve been referred again because my GP practice don’t seem to know what to do.

spider555 profile image

An x-ray is a tiny amount of radiation

He sounds old school 🙄

YASMINTINA profile image

Dosent sound into with you at all can you change the doctor or a fresh surgery perhaps and when he said it's all in your head that's not professional at all, your asking for help and he is not giving it to you so good luck on moving forward take care let us know how you get on xxx

Miss68 profile image

Hi Hun, I'm sorry you haven't been getting the care and advice that you deserve. I'm not an expert but I think you need to get a second opinion about your symptoms. Your gp sounds pretty useless and frankly quite lazy! Surely he should take blood tests etc to give him an idea of what it could be or at least where to refer you! I'd look on the internet as to what it could be and then go back to your useless gp and demand a plan of action. Good luck with it Hun and please let us know how you get on. Take care lovely xx

Lynda1957 profile image
Lynda1957 in reply to Miss68

Hi, Ask for a second opinion, or change your doctor! He obviously doesnt believe that Fibromyalgia is real!

Lynda1957 profile image
Lynda1957 in reply to Lynda1957

Also ask for referral to rheumatologist and orthopaedics. Good luck

DishaSdS profile image

Hi FedUpRedHead. I feel for you and can understand your frustration and anxiety. I'm not in the least bit surprised at the lack of professionalism. I have had my fair share of experiences. Please don't let that get you down. You must insist and you have the right to although sometimes doctors may make you feel like you're crazy for suggesting something. If you must, change your doctor. You deserve better. Stay strong x

Hartleyhare2 profile image

Sorry to hear this but not surprised. Many GPS will write you off or dump anything that is wrong with you under Fibromygelia once you've been diagnosed. It is however, ridiculous to think we dont get Other comorbid problems like everyone else. I have pain in the same area as you from fused discs in a bad parachute landing twenty years ago. I had key hole surgery and only recently has it started playing up. Because of the operation scar he can't fob me off as he would like but has just put all my strong Meds up!

I use a few different tools to 'manage' my GP! I always take somone with me to an appointment and take a written list of the key outcomes I want from my meeting with him, Meds, referral, physio etc. Also if I think he is going to try and fob me off. I will write a letter to him in advance. This then goes on file and has a clear record of the health issue and what I'm requesting. I believe this is clearer than relying on their quick notes on your file and fob you off. A letter they have to deal with.

I am also under the impression that in a bid to save money GPS have been instructed to drastically lower the number of referrals they make ti hospital consultants. Patch them up, sell some drugs and send them on their way. I may be very cynical but my experience is that my caring GP of twenty years ago has morphed into primarily a businessman.

I would stand up for your rights, manage your own health and make your Dr work for you. If not get a new Dr.

Good luck


Chrispol profile image

It's a common problem. Many GPs, particularly ones who qualified a long time ago, don't really recognise or understand fibromyalgia. The younger ones tend to be more receptive.

I'm currently in the United States, and they take FM for more seriously. It isn't considered some weirdo psychosomatic condition but a genuine illness (which we already know!). It's very refreshing, and if I can share some of that with you, I hope it will help.

Keep pushing. Sooner or later you will find somebody who will take you seriously, and get you the tests, treatment and above all support that you deserve.


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