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Fauntleroy profile image
20 Replies

My wife has Fibromyalgia, Do other suffers have bowel disorders, stomach and urinary pains?

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Fauntleroy profile image
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20 Replies

yes irritable bowel syndrome is very common with fibro

rosewine profile image

First of all thank you for coming on the forum and showing how much you care about helping your wife with this most puzzling of illnessess. I don't know whether you have had a chance to look on our mother site Fibromyalgia Action UK as the most common symptoms are outlined there.

Many of us either had IBS before being diagnosed with fibro (I was one of them) or many others have found it to be one of their symptoms. With so many of us stomach problems seem to go hand in hand with fibro. Regardless of what diet I have tried I seem to be plagued with indigestion, stomach cramps and wind.

I have been lucky with urinery tract infections but I know quite a few of our forum members seem to have one infection after another.x

phlebo123 profile image

There seem to be many conditions that go "hand in hand" with fibromyalgia. I have irritable bowel syndrome and also irritable bladder (sudden urge to pass urine with no prior warning.) I also have interstitial cystitis (painful bladder) which causes pelvic pain and aching, but there is as far as I am aware no suitable treatment. Avoiding stressful situations and using the toilet regularly may be helpful. Please send my best wishes to your wife... she is very lucky to have such a caring husband who is helping her understand her symptoms.... xxx

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hi again

I have had bladder problems since I was diagnosed with Fibro and ME in 1980. I had a Cystoscopy when I was about 21 and ended up being rushed back into hospital on a blue light as my bladder had gone into retention and I was in pure agony.

I have since gone on to have a number of episodes of bladder retention.

I have lost count of the amount of urinary tract infections that I have had.

I used to need to pee all the time. Up to twice an hour even though I was barely drinking anything.

I saw a fantastic Urologist who asked me if I wanted further investigations (no thanks had too many of those) or to try a medication usually given to men. He said that he had had a lot of success using it in women.

It has literally changed my life. I pee twice per day now and don't have to find out where the toilet is as soon as I go somewhere new.

It has also had the added effect that the number of UTI's I was getting has dropped enormously.

Apologies if all this is too much information!

Do you mind me asking whether your wife has ever been referred to see a Urologist?

You are an incredibly caring husband. I hope that you have been able to get some helpful answers to your questions.

Lu xx

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to BlueMermaid3

Hi BlueMermaid,

Can you please tell me the medicine's name that has helped you reduce your urinary frequency? It sounds wonderful! I'd like to give it a go if I can.

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to BonnieSue

Hi BonnieSue

Yes of course. I take Tamsulosin. Do bear in mind it's usually only prescribed for men so you may need a referral to see a Urologist.

If you manage to try it please would you let me know how you get on?

Lu xx

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to BlueMermaid3

I most certainly will and thank you for telling me the name of the drug!

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to BonnieSue

Hi again

I've checked on the box and I take one 400mcg modified release capsule at night.

I really hope you are at least able to try it.

It is a big statement to say that it's changed my life but it genuinely has.

Good luck. Lu xx

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to BlueMermaid3

Yes, you said it reduced your bathroom trips to 2 per day. That's a dream come true for me. Mission impossible! But I'm certainly willing to run it by one of my doctors.

Janet28 profile image

Hi Fauntleroy your wife is very blessed to have such a thoughtful, caring husband ☺ Its very nice to meet you ☺

In all the years I have had Fibro I have had bowel & bladder problems. IBS is very common with fibro. I used to be contuously on antibiotics for urinary tract infections and I very often feel like I have cystitis. I have had a similar experience to BlueMermaid3 where I got rushed to hospital with severe infection & ended up there for 8 days with a catheter.

So she isn't alone my friend, I hope she isn't to poorly. Infectionsblike this can be very painful, usually a temperate will accompany it & can be serious if untreated, so you have to keep an eye on it. Does she follow a specific diet ?

Lu Jan x

helenstaton profile image

I was diagnosed a couple of years ago with fibro and at the end of last year suffered with reoccurring urine infections, have been on low dose antibiotics since, As others have mentioned irritable bowel is quite common with fibro, hope your wife feels better soon, fibro is a very difficult condition to live with but having someone who understands and supports you certainly helps the battle xx

ednu16 profile image

I was recently diagnosed with lactose intolerance and just had some more blood tests for allergies such as milk and eggs also. I have some IBS symptoms but also allergic reaction symptoms too so they are trying to rule those out first.

Bennny profile image

Yes here

DogMamma profile image

Oh my YES! Diagnosed with Irritable Bowel in 1977! Now, diagnosed with " Fatty Liver"! I have been gluten free going on 3 years NOW. All I eat is veggies, lean meat, eggs, cheese, walnuts(nuts), fruit(no citrus). No rice or potatoes, no wheat or flour. No bread! Probably had Fibro back then, if medical community even knew about FM in 1977! Possible Fibro diagnosed in 1992. Many UTI's over the years. Firm diagnoses of Fibromyalgia 2005! Now, irritable bladder. Always, have had a problem, even as a child. Just this morning, bladder started 4AM, 4:30AM, 5AM. Well you get the picture. I will follow up with my doctor about the Tramulson med mentioned. At this point I will try anything as this "pee problem" is REALLY effecting my sleep! Never knew there was a name for the pain that I am now experiencing in bladder/pelvic area. Once again thank you all!

Flauntleroy, please let let your wife know she is not alone. This community is here for both of you. Sending a big hug to you for caring so much for your wife, you are special.

Gentle hugs to all, Mary.

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to DogMamma

Hi Mary

I take Tamsulosin as I constantly had the need to pee even after I'd just been!

When I was in hospital last year a doctor came and demanded to know why I was taking Tamsulosin because it is mainly prescribed for men.

I explained to her that a Consultant at the hospital I was in had prescribed it for me (in fact I had struck lucky and seen a Professor of Urology).

I have no idea whether a GP at a surgery would prescribe it or whether you would have to be referred to see a Urologist.

I take one at night. They are 400 mcg modified release capsules.

I would be very interested to know how you get on.

Lu xx

DogMamma profile image

Lu, will have to research to see if drug is even available in USA. But I am on it. First have to research, then ask my internist and go from there. Hopefully, drug or possibly another drug is available. I really appreciate all input and will keep you updated. Soft hugs💗😊. Mary

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to DogMamma

Hi Mary

I will go and have a look at the leaflet and see if it comes under any other names.

I'll get back to you later.

Lu xx

DogMamma profile image

Thank you😊

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Fauntleroy

I sincerely hope that you and your wife are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I have a great number of food allergies and intolerance's and really have to be careful what I consume as a result or I can get severe stomach and breathing problems.

I want to sincerely wish you and your wife all the best of luck and please take care of yourselves my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for the both of you


Tabby-Cat profile image

I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) when I was 12, but the fibro symptoms didn't begin until I was 28. I'm now 62 and in recent years I've suffered from a lot of urinary tract infections, and in the past couple of years have developed urinary incontinence.

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