Motorcycling: Anyone else here ride a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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25 Replies

Anyone else here ride a bike and how do you get on with it ?

Dave :)

25 Replies
Libbylou profile image

My husband has a bike and I do go on the back. The next though I am in pain x

katethebake profile image

I do. I only started riding a couple of years ago and commuted an hour each way a day on a 125 Varadero with few problems. Then I passed my full test and got a BWM F800S but find that a lot harder to ride. It is heavier, so when I am not feeling very strong I find it harder to man-handle. There is a fair bit of vibration on the bars which triggers pain in my arms and also makes my hands tired more quickly thoug heated grips do help relieve that (even in summer!). The riding position is more like that of a sports bike which puts stress on my back, knees and ankles. So whilst the bike is an awesome ride, it is much more difficult to enjoy.

I get cramp in my hips when I ride so have to wave my legs about a bit whatever bike I am on, and I find I get more tired than other people around me. I did a treasure hunt last easter - in subzero temperatures (remember last spring?!) and was fine till I got off my bike, when I collapsed having pushed myself too hard for too long in very cold conditions. So my riding limit is restricted to max 4 hrs/day now, and I can't ride that distance every day, I need a day or two to recover. .

As soon as I can afford to, I am going to revert to a more off-road style of bike with an upright riding position in the hope that it better suits my symptoms. The flipside of that is the upright riding position is that the constant battering by the wind tires me more quickly but I reckon it will be worth it to be back on 2 wheels.

How do you find it?


Jo-lyn profile image

I ride a bike, or at least try to both modern and vintage (Harley & 1948 Sunbeam) having been on two wheels for forty two years! This fibro along with Reynard's, IBS etc etc is a curse and certainly curtails an awful lot of my pleasure and enjoyment. I now find on the 'longer' trips that my duration is a max of two hours with at the very least a couple of breaks. Those breaks I find immense trouble in actually getting off the bike, standing upright, then trying to straighten my fingers to remove my gloves Mind you then its difficult to get going again! Oh the joys of motorcycling!!!!!! For me its a case of mind battling over intense pain to have the now reduced enjoyment I get out motorcycling. I do wonder what other road users must think to see me 'waggling' about my various limbs in a vain attempt to relieve the numbness, throbbing and shooting pains that I experience all the time, despite the so called pain killers I take. But as I love motorcycling so much and I'm a fighter I will not let the fibro get the better of me, so I do get out on the road as much as I can. I hasten to add like any exertion associated with fibro there's always a penance to pay and I find that I suffer for my 'pleasures' for a couple of days or so after!

But if you don't follow your dreams , pleasures and enjoyments to the best of your now reduced ability's you just as well give up and I for one am not ready for that yet.

May be a fibro motorcycling group should be started, compare notes, social runs (now that would be funny and interesting!!!) social get togethers etc?

I hasten to add also I know I am in the minority being male with fibro, but the big 'F' affects us all the same way.

Love to live, live to ride.


katethebake profile image
katethebake in reply to Jo-lyn

I love the idea of a fibro m/c group. We would rarely all manage to meet up and if we did it would have to be in a car park so we didn't have to get off our bikes (well, me anyway)!

in reply to katethebake

Get some drop down stabilizers for when we stop LOL, Fibro "Я" us m/c sounds good lol

bikerchick54 profile image

I've been around and on bikes for around 44yrs, mainly sports bikes but had to give up the R1 due to the fibro in my left hip making riding very uncomfortable. I now have a Kawasaki vn1600 Nomad imported from the States plus the stuff I take helps me control my fibro :-)

Jo-lyn profile image
Jo-lyn in reply to bikerchick54

Good on you, glad to hear it. Can't beat a biker 'chick' on meds!!!!

simonsgirlie profile image

I did ride a bike but pain in my back and shoulders have stopped me. I haven't been on my bike for 6 years now but she still sits in the garage. My husband also rides so I sometimes go out with him on his but I get so cold so quick. I do miss it and I'm hoping that the pain management programe will help me enough to be able to ride again. I have had fibro and me for over 12 years so I did ride whilst I had it. Sorry probably not what u want to hear. Sue

Jo-lyn profile image
Jo-lyn in reply to simonsgirlie

No its swell to hear for you. Let us know how you get on and keep focased on riding again, don't give up.Hey and wrap up with more protective clothing so that you can ride with your husband?

dowdeswell86 profile image

hi I am a pillion on my husbands fireblade heits very hard as I am in agony the day after even when im on the bike im in pain and my legs go in cramps etc I don't want to let this condition stop me riding as iv had to give up doing as many rallys as I used to and feel that the illness is taking over my life

Jo-lyn profile image
Jo-lyn in reply to dowdeswell86

Don't what ever you do let it dictate your life. Stay strong and do what you wanta do, battle that fibro and enjoy your life the best you can, dont let it take over. Difficult I know believe me, but I would rather enjoy the moment then 'suffer' for it later than not participate in in at all and wish I had!

Sthandra profile image

Hi I used to go on the back of my hubbys ZX000, but had to stop as I can no longer get my leg high enough to get it over the seat, I also get excusiating pain in my right knee after having been on any longer than half an hour, I used to get on first while it was on its stand then slide back, before then I used to just swing my leg over had to be careful as have had balance problems for the last 20 years as long as I've been diagnosed, then earlier this year some low life came in our back garden and stole it, he now has a Suzuki can't remember which of the top of my head he was well p as he had just got it back to original colours, it had been in our back garden for I think it was 7 years maybe longer with no problems he would park up then hop off no chaining there was no need to we live in a village with practically no crime, they wheeled it out of the garden and up the road, suspicious cars had been seen on our street minutes before it went and possibly seen since, so now he has to chain up his bike, he lost his no claims that anoied him anyway have fun on the roads and be safe. Sithy

Jo-lyn profile image
Jo-lyn in reply to Sthandra

If its of any assistance to you I actually lift my leg to get it over my bike. Ok its embarrassing, but what the hell its your life enjoy it to the full--don't give in to fibro. Stay determined and willing and you will battle those aches and pains to relish riding on two wheels. Sorry to hear about the probs with the low lifes. Bigger chains and an alarm may be?

Sthandra profile image
Sthandra in reply to Jo-lyn

Now there's a thought I'm really missing getting my leg over, the MOTORCYCLE for all you smutty heads lol, I'll have to give it a go when the weather warms again, I have no chance in the cold I'm to stiff all my muscles cramp up when its cold, I can hardly move when it really bad, anyway ride safe and keep an eye out for all those drivers out there, you know the ones . Sithy

I've got a Triumph Sprint RS a the moment and i'm just starting to struggle with the position, my hips cramp up after a while and my fingers run out of strength, my biggest problem is osteoarthritis in both wrists and a loose bone next to my scaphoid in the left wrist gives me a lot of pain :( so it looks like getting a big custom Suzuki or Harley then :)

Dave :)

Jo-lyn profile image
Jo-lyn in reply to

Now a Harley is sounding realllllllllll good!

Sthandra profile image
Sthandra in reply to Jo-lyn

I like Harleys but my hubby don't sad man. Lol

Jo-lyn profile image

Hi guys and girls, nice to hear that I am not the only one daft enough to battle against the old fibro, put two fingers up to it and still get a leg over (steady) the old bike. Now that sounds even worse!!!!!

It really would be super to meet up with fellow fibro sufferers who are into the biking world, pillion or not. May be that there is an opening--have I started an interest?

It would be of interest to fellow 'sufferers' as to how all us individuals battle our odds on two wheels to follow a passion and how to get over the various problems with fibro, reynards,IBS,weak bladders, stabbing pains, general pains, aches, headaches, tinnitus (thats a bugger in a helmet!) plus all the rest and being a biker? Okay why do we do it??? I just love two wheels, the open road and the throb of a V-twin, or in my case a V-twin and an in line twin!

All I would say is dont let the fibro beat you, difficult I know but stay strong with a determination that you are going to enjoy your life the best you can and make the best of it in life and on two wheels, far better than benig in a 'tin can'!

Keep the rubber side down.


I feel very happy for those of you that can keep on riding... I have cervical spine probs along for my ride so am not even able to drive my Lotus Elise any longer and have had to resort to a VW Passatt with heated, leather seats and really light controls. I can't trust my arms not to give way under stress and can't turn my head enough to cover the "life-savers".... and they apply just as much in the Elise as they do on a bike.

Keep the dreams alive whilst your health allows them!

Gary x

goldwing profile image

I ride pillion with my husband, we go out Sundays mainly and it takes me 2-3 days to recover. Sometimes I have to get on first and he helps me on, its hilarious to watch but at least I can still enjoy it sometimes. Luckily we have a Goldwing so its comfy for my spondylosis in my back and pain in the legs, but I can still go on it sometimes. Fibro takes away enough so I will keep going as long as I can x

Bearess profile image

Wow :-)

Amazing - get out there - blow away your cobwebs and forget this " Fibro "

I'm exhilarated just reading all it posts :-)

Keep on riding - you lucky rockers ;-)

angelwitch profile image

I've always been a biker, guess you could say its in the blood.. But alas no more thanks to this fibro crap, Was with the HA since I was 16 (my family) but still a member of 81

am MC set up by all of us would be a great idea.

All I can say is "Ride free Brothers & Sisters"

I guess this fibro put a hole new meaning to the 1%ers out there!!

Take care out there, and dont forget to ride till we rott.

Festa profile image

I have been a biker for almost 40 years, I have a Harley Sportster & a 'Rat Bike' that l built during the time I was getting my diagnosis and learning to cope with Fibro.

Whenever I feel good enough to do so I get out and about with my wife who has learned to ride herself so as I don't have to have a pillion and to ensure I always have a riding partner 'that's true love'

So to all I say; 'Get out there'.....This illness is bad enough but the thought of not ever riding with my friends again would make it simply unbearable: It's one of the things that keeps me sane & without the support of those friends and the pleasure of riding life would be so bland. 'Live to Ride - Ride to Live'


lovemybike profile image

Hey all fellow bike lovers :)

new to both biking and Fibro....

I have been suffering for years and only recently been diagnosed with Fibro. It was a life long dream to ride a bike (I used to race cars) and eventually with the encouragement of my partner passed my bike test in June, now yesterday I get told I have Fibro.

I suffer severe pins and needles in my hands when riding and weird but the pain in the rest of my body disappears when I ride my bike (suffer like hell once off my bike) I don't plan on giving up anytime soon either!

The issue I am concerned about is that I have been prescribed gabapentin and feel totally spaced out my head even after nearly 10hrs of taking my first tablet. has anyone had experience of this drug and still riding?

Thanks x

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to lovemybike

Just to let you know this member has left the community but welcome to FMAUK :) I see you’ve written another post so will reply over there :)

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