can anyone give me some tips on how t... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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can anyone give me some tips on how to prep for an DLA medical please An Atos Dr is coming to my home next week... Panicking already ....

happycroc profile image
8 Replies
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happycroc profile image
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8 Replies
tracy09 profile image

have someone there with you make sure you have your medication up stair and down stairs if you use walking sticks make sure u use them, they wil as you questions they don't get all the info that you sent in so make sure you have a list of all your problems and medication you take. he will then as you to walk move your arms and legs if it hurts tell them it is to painful and don't do it. do not offer to make them a cup of tea get someone else to do it. I had mine a few weeks ago at home he was a gp but did several of these interviews he was very nice and when I said I was in pain he didn't make me do anything he never went u stairs but some will make an excuse to go look around. good luck I hope you have a nice one that makes you feel comfy mine did although I am still waiting to hear what the out come is. mainly they just want to know what you can and cant do around the house from the minute you get up to the minute you go to bed and during the night I couldn't remember a lot so he made a note of that but like I said he didn't have all my info atos only mentioned fibro and asma to him he knew nothing about the artheritus and panic attacks. but he made notes about it all. let us know how you go but don't panic I got in a right state and paniced but its not worth it they can write what they want and if it is negative there is the appeal process, hope you get the one I had he was great and understood fibro its like he said there is no cure and most of the medication they can give you will ether make you feel better or worse depends on what you can cope with but I do recommend you have someone who knows you well with you I had my husband as he does everything and could explain it better than me.

sharne27 profile image

They also get you to sign summert its so they can see if you hold a pen. they check if you have children, how high things are,also how you are dressed and how your hair is so id suggest pjs and hair down unbrused its not right they go of that to but they do. can you peel veg sitting down if so they say you can prepare a meal and it goes against you. But the lady i had was so nice and had 20yrs in fibro so she understood and i didnt have to do anything i didnt want to. they ask you to move your arms legs head to see hoe far you can move ect sohuld be ok tho xxx

Aisha profile image
Aisha in reply to sharne27

I was very lucky when I had to appeal and I got an Elderly gent who visited me from DLA, he asked me questions about my health and what I can and can't do, I used my crutches indoors even though it was only a bungalow, I was on my own as I didn't have anyone to be with me! I think what did it for me was when I had to get something for him when I came back I decided not to sit next to him on our two seat settee but sat on the Pouffee forgetting that I cannot get up from it as it has no arms on it! So when he went to get up to go he saw my distress, and asked if there was a problem to my embarrassment he asked if I needed help and pulled me up! He then sat back down wrote something then left. Within a week I got the dreaded letter through and they gave me High Mobility and Low care! Good Luck. Aisha x

happycroc profile image

Thanks for your advice guys,, i will take all of it on board... i hope i will be ok... for most part I am on the sofa anyway from morning till night... so nothing new there... wash my hair on my own so hopefully i will be ok on the day id youget what i mean xx I will let you all know how it goesxx

pondminstrel profile image

hi..i had two negative experiences,but not everyone does...i fought for three years to finally get the help i need..i had a fantastic man who did all the worring for me,and was fantastic at his i recieved my help in the end...the sad thing is,you say you wash your hair yourself...mmm that probly go against you,its wrong but its true...mine said i was clean tidy nice home so was a very cabable woman!! for what!!..are we to go round in mucky clothes etc makes me mad as my many many many letters i wrote to dwp with information to tell how i struggle,didnt seem to have any effect..but i started saying...the dwp say that you dont have to actually HAVE the help to recieve dla only that you NEED the help......but i know for a fact if we said..i can go to the loo...wash my hair..shower..make my food,,but i struggle...the powers that be will say..ooh right she does all these things on her own so obviously can manage!!..its very confussing...have you a nieghbour that can sit in with you?...keep me posted x

happycroc profile image
happycroc in reply to pondminstrel

Thanks for your advice I am so sorry that you have been through so much , I fear that I maybe become yet another statistic, at the beginning of this Dwp roller coaster, I have a a great support network around me. two of my very close friends will be there.... I do have one glint of luck on my side . The time of my assessment is between 0900 and 12 noon,if by chance i am up i will not be dressed, I am a non functioning human being at that time in the morning ... My assessment will take place in my bed, I have already been given help aids, such as an electronic bath lift grab poles, a kitchen stool, commode. and crutches to help me walk.... I did read an article on this site sometime ago, that said I could ask the Dr. if he has any knowledge of Fibro.. if he/she does not then i can ask for the assessment to be postponed requesting a Dr. that has ... to which i will do... I am at the moment in a full on flare , so for the most part I am on Moprhine every twelve hrs.. non compus mentis comes to mind lol... anyway I will keep you all informed of the outcome.... kind regards and Gentle hugs to you all xx

pondminstrel profile image
pondminstrel in reply to happycroc

hi pet..i had all the gizmo help and had a home visit but still refused...the dr,said i was a capable woman and could care for my self!!! twits..ask for his register docs number as some say they are docs and they arent...please please get in touch with cjw064 below...he is a god send..if you havent allready contacted him message me and i can give you the link...if you have spoken to him you will obviously be fealing a whole lot better xxx.

cjw064 profile image

Hi send me a pvt message and I can send you a document


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