My first beta 12dp5dt FET has come back as 67. My clinic wanted 200 or above. Has anyone had any positive stories of a low beta?
I’ve already had 14 miscarriages and 2 ectopics (no loving children.
Thank you.
My first beta 12dp5dt FET has come back as 67. My clinic wanted 200 or above. Has anyone had any positive stories of a low beta?
I’ve already had 14 miscarriages and 2 ectopics (no loving children.
Thank you.
Oh man. I feel for you (11 and 1 ectopic here).
I hope some positive stories come, I think some can be later implanters.
The main thing is the change in HCG over 48hrs or so, but I'm sure you're familiar at this stage. I hope that goes well and ask for progesterone levels too -the changes in those are important indicators of ectopics, if that's still a possibility.
Fingers crossed for you.xx
Mine was 10dp5dt 79 and 14d 636. My daughter is cooing away next to me in her crib. It’s the doubling that counts.
Morning lovely, mine were 54 at 10dp5dt and only 72 12dp5dt so I really didn’t fit the usual. Understand most people do get the doubling and higher numbers to begin with however there are some that don’t follow the typical like me. Hoping that’s you too. Keeping everything crossed for you x
Same here. What you need is nearly doubling every 72 hours in fact.
Sorry the studies say that the minimum is +70% every 72h. Every woman is different and I can tell you for a fact that every pregnancy is different. On my last transfer in Nov, I had a 4BA embryo and a very big beta 10days post transfer (I remember was nearly 700 12 days post transfer that is to say 2 before the 2wezk test) and I miscarried at 6weeks or so. My first pregnancy - the one I mentioned before - the beta was quite low for a double transfer at 14days posts transfer I think 230 and it gave a healthy baby. I am sorry I can’t recall the beta I had when I was told it might be an empty egg but it was quite big, above 15k in any event. I have three children now so I don’t recall all the betas and dates for everyone. What I am trying to say is i know it is nerves wracking but do not compare your numbers, it would not mean anything. It is unsettling but not only you cannot compare to others but also you cannot even compare a pregnancy of yours to the next one.
Other example: in November I took my usual protocole and my lining was not excellent it took one additional week of heavy œstrogène to get an ok lining. Usually I have no problem with that. With my usual protocole I got 50 of progesterone on the day of the transfer and had to supplement. On the transfer I had in January, I got maximum mining after 4 days of œstrogène and my level of progesterone on transfer day was 75. Exactly the same protocole. For my three kids I had three different pregnancies and three different beta levels. I never had such solid beta levels as the one on Nov, which I miscarried. This is why I am telling you: do not compare. You are at 6weeks now, whatever your beta level it might be too early to see. Some doctors refuse to scan before 7 weeks.
Yes it was. Thinking of you, I remember these days well it’s so so tough
my level went up from 67 to 105, told to continue with meds and have a provisional scan booked.
It’s positive that it’s increased so there is always hope for as long as your levels are increasing. Obviously they will want you to still be cautious but I would say be positive until you’re told otherwise. They were very negative about my levels and prepared me for the worst however it turned out just fine with a healthy baby. Keeping everything crossed for you.